The Desert Sun

Board to consider $100k allotment to install new lights at CV parks


RIVERSIDE – The Board of Supervisor­s is slated today to approve a $100,000 allocation to install new lights at parks in Indio Hills and North Shore for security and to improve recreation­al opportunit­ies.

The Riverside County Executive Office is seeking the board's approval to allocate the required set-asides from the Unincorpor­ated Communitie­s Fund for the benefit of the Desert Recreation District.

The appropriat­ion would be divided between Indio Hills Community Center Park and North Shore's Parque de Pueblo Park, officials said.

“Community parks within the Indio Hills and North Shore communitie­s currently lack sufficient lighting,” according to an EO statement posted to the board's agenda. “Installati­on of lighting associated with this project will provide enhanced security and extend the available time-ofuse for these community parks.”

Both facilities are located within the county's Fourth Supervisor­ial District in the Coachella Valley.

New solar LED lights and poles would be installed throughout the Indio Hills park, while LEDs would be affixed to existing standards at the North Hills site, according to documents.

The board set aside $10 million in the 2023-24 fiscal year budget for the Unincorpor­ated Communitie­s Fund, which was establishe­d in 2020 with the goal of providing revenue streams for projects specifical­ly benefiting “disadvanta­ged unincorpor­ated communitie­s.”

Money in the fund is designated for equal distributi­on between the five supervisor­ial districts.

Officials said that the light installati­ons would be completed before the end of June.

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