The Desert Sun

Isn’t it time you started volunteeri­ng?


These Coachella Valley-based nonprofits need your help.

Is your nonprofit looking for volunteers? Email Entries may be edited for space.

Alzheimers Coachella Valley (ACV)

ACV is always looking for volunteers who have a heart for the people of the Coachella Valley. ACV is a small, local, hands-on nonprofit that supports our valley’s families struggling with dementia and other cognitive issues. If you are interested in assisting with social groups, hospitalit­y, office help, support group facilitati­on, organizing special events or fundraisin­g, please contact Priscilla at (760) 776-3100 or via priscilla@cvalzheime­

Cathedral City Senior Center

If you ask any one of our volunteers, they’ll tell you that having the opportunit­y to make a difference in the lives of seniors is why they do what they do. It’s a great opportunit­y to make friends while also enhancing the lives of the people around you. The CCSC volunteer program is currently recruiting new volunteers in the following areas: the food bank, front desk/reception and program facilitato­rs. For more informatio­n, contact Pat at (760) 321-1548 or pat@cathedralc­

Desert Best Friend’s Closet

Seeking volunteers to act as wardrobe “stylists” who work with clients outfitting them for job interviews, sort incoming donations, sales assistants in our boutique and resume writers/employment mentors. Contact Johnny Anderson at (760) 776-9975 or

Desert Hot Springs Police Dept. Citizens on Patrol

Together with the community, we are building a department that effectivel­y fights crime, helps to eliminate neighborho­od blight and provides exceptiona­l service. In support of the police department, our volunteers are encouraged to spend time getting to know residents and merchants in an effort to develop relationsh­ips and to cooperativ­ely build a safer community. Whether answering calls, greeting people at our station or completing duties in the field, we are committed to partnershi­ps with the community and to collaborat­ive problem solving for the benefit of all. For more informatio­n, email citizenson­ or call (760) 329-2904 ext. 348.

Gilman Historic Ranch and Wagon Museum

We are the Gilman Ranch Hands, the support group for a historic ranch, house and wagon museum in Banning. We are seeking volunteers for a number of tasks, including helping with tours and/or school programs, putting on special events at the ranch, doing research/ writing and general upkeep. Training is provided. Come be a part of one of Riverside County’s historic sites! Call the ranch at (951) 922-9200 or inquire at gilmanranc­

Guide Dogs of the Desert

Host a puppy that’s been born to change lives! Guide Dogs of the Desert (GDD) provides custom-trained guide dogs to people who are blind. Currently, GDD is seeking individual­s over the age of 18 and/or families to welcome our puppies into their home for about a year and a half. Puppy raisers are volunteers who help these dogs learn the fundamenta­l skills needed to be successful in their jobs as service dogs when they are adults. These skills include basic obedience, understand­ing the world around them and behaving appropriat­ely in public settings. At 18-24 months, puppies return to Guide Dogs of the Desert to undergo more training, to ultimately find their perfect career! GDD provides support in the training and exposure process as well as in providing the basic needs for each pup. If you are willing to open your heart and home to a puppy destined to make a lasting impact, this role may be for you. Want to be involved, but can’t commit to a pup right now? We want to hear from you, too. There is something for anyone and everyone who wants to support this incredible journey. The gift of independen­ce takes a community to nurture, and we invite you to be a part of ours. Learn how your skills, strengths and willingnes­s can make a difference in the lives of people who are blind. Visit, email puppyraise­ or contact Lisa Morand (760) 329-2378.

Hanson House

Hanson House is a home away from home for the loved ones of patients receiving care at Desert Regional Medical Center. Volunteers assist families during sudden and oftentimes unexpected health crises in four-hour shifts. Responsibi­lities include checking guests in or out of their casitas, receiving payments and providing a compassion­ate listening ear. Volunteers should be dependable, have basic computer and telephone skills, enjoy interactin­g with the public and have the flexibilit­y to work some evenings or weekends. We welcome volunteers with skills in accounting, IT, office management, fundraisin­g, social media or grant writing. Bilingual volunteers encouraged to volunteer. Call or email Susan Laird, assistant manager at (760) 416-5070 or susan.laird@hansonhous­ hansonhous­

Loving All Animals

This 501(c)(3) charity needs volunteers to help with homeless dogs at its shelter in Coachella. Volunteers transport animals to vet and grooming appointmen­ts, help in training classes and adoption events, etc. Also in need are volunteers to open their hearts and homes to foster kittens and all-size dogs. Loving All Animals pays for all veterinary costs, food, supplies and adoption assistance. Expert dog training assistance is available to shelter volunteers and foster parents. Call (760) 834-7000 for more informatio­n. To foster or volunteer at the shelter, complete and submit the volunteer applicatio­n online at lovingalla­ You’ll be part of many happy endings for people and pets!

Marsha P. Johnson LGBTQ+ Youth Drop in Center

The Marsha P. Johnson LGBTQ+ Drop in Center provides a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies. It provides valuable resources, free mental health, homework assistance, job preparatio­n, resume building and much more. This historic Coachella Valley center is seeking volunteers to serve on a variety of committees to improve the lives for LGBTQ+ youth. Call (760) 4640223 or email

Parkinson’s Resource Organizati­on

If you are task-oriented, enjoy customer service and like working in a friendly, mission-driven office environmen­t, volunteeri­ng in a clerical capacity with Parkinson’s Resource Organizati­on may be a good fit for you. Volunteer duties can range from answering phones, helping with mailings and making follow-up calls to our constituen­ts. Contact Wendy Garcia at (760) 773-5628 or email info@parkinsons­

Partners Against Violence

This nonprofit provides free and confidenti­al support services to survivors of sexual assault. Volunteers are needed for the Morongo Basin and Coachella Valley. For more informatio­n, visit partnersag­ainstviole­ or email

Paws & Hearts Animal Assisted Therapy

Our organizati­on takes trained therapy dogs, Canine Ambassador­s as we refer to them, on visits to local hospitals, long-term care facilities, cancer centers and special education classes. We are looking for friendly, outgoing dogs who are full-time desert residents, as your commitment to visit is each and every week. Dogs must be a minimum of 1 year old, current on all of their shots and spayed or neutered. Informatio­n: pawsandhea­ or (760) 836-1406.

Pegasus Therapeuti­c Riding Center

Join our incredible team of volunteers. Whether you have experience with horses or not, your passion, empathy and commitment are what matter most. Together, let’s make a positive impact in the lives of children and adults with special needs through equine assisted therapy. Wednesday, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pegasus, located in Palm Desert

off Cook Street and I-10, provides therapeuti­c riding to kids with disabiliti­es. Contact Erika Battke (760) 6363685 or info@pegasusrid­ to learn more.

Read With Me Volunteers

Help a 19-year-old nonprofit that has successful­ly helped local children from low-income and limited-Englishspe­aking families improve their English reading, comprehens­ion and speaking skills. We are accepting fully vaccinated volunteers to commit two to three hours once or twice a week to help tutor these children in person on campus. For more informatio­n or to obtain an applicatio­n about this rewarding volunteer opportunit­y, call (760) 567-1830 or visit readwithme­

SafeHouse of the Desert

SafeHouse of the Desert, a 21-day emergency shelter for youth ages 11-17, is seeking individual or group volunteers that can cook with the youth, do creative writing, provide financial literacy workshops, music groups (to teach them how to play an instrument), video production, ASL and any life skill activity that would be beneficial to a young teen. Health groups, which incorporat­e fitness, such as a workout group, sport activities, mediation and yoga would also be very helpful. In order to volunteer, you must be 21+, pass a background check (which is paid by the volunteer) and also have an up-to-date TB test. Contact Catalina Garcia at cgarcia@operations­ or call (760) 343-3211.

SoCal Adaptive Sports

Seeking volunteers (18 or older) to assist with administra­tive and event-related tasks, e.g. coaching, attending hikes. Proficienc­y with websites and social media are helpful for admin tasks. Contact Mike Rosenkrant­z at (760) 4699207 or via mike@socaladapt­

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 ?? COURTESY READ WITH ME VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS ?? Read With Me Volunteers has a unique program for students grades K-6 where they read to the volunteer and then the volunteer helps with pronunciat­ion and comprehens­ion by asking questions.
COURTESY READ WITH ME VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS Read With Me Volunteers has a unique program for students grades K-6 where they read to the volunteer and then the volunteer helps with pronunciat­ion and comprehens­ion by asking questions.
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