The Desert Sun

Nurse acquitted of involuntar­y manslaught­er in inmate’s death


EL CAJON – A nurse at a California jail was found not guilty of involuntar­y manslaught­er Friday in the November 2019 death of an inmate who collapsed in her cell. But jurors deadlocked on charges against a jail doctor.

Danalee Pascua was acquitted in the death of 24year-old Elisa Serna at the Las Colinas Detention Facility in the San Diego suburb of Santee, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

The paper said the Superior Court panel in El Cajon deadlocked 9-3 for the acquittal of Dr. Friederike Von Lintig. Prosecutor­s didn’t immediatel­y say whether they would retry her on a charge of involuntar­y manslaught­er.

Serna, who was five weeks pregnant, was booked into the jail five days before her death. She was suffering from alcohol and drug withdrawal­s and had told the jail staff that she had used heroin hours before her arrest, prosecutor­s said.

Serna had vomited and had multiple seizures in the 24 hours before her death, prosecutor­s said, but when she passed out in front of Pascua, the nurse failed to check her vital signs and left her on the floor of her cell for about an hour before returning with deputies to begin “futile lifesaving measures.”

The medical examiner determined that she died from complicati­ons of chronic “polysubsta­nce abuse.”

Pascua’s lawyer, Alicia Freeze, said that the nurse had only come on duty two hours before Serna’s death and wasn’t aware of her serious problems, according to the Union-Tribune.

“Really, no one knew how ill this woman was,” Freeze said.

“We are disappoint­ed that the process resulted in the criminal exoneratio­n of a nurse who watched our unconsciou­s daughter suffer a seizure, who then did nothing to prevent her death,” said a statement from Serna’s family, the Union-Tribune reported.

Serna’s family has sued the county for wrongful death.

“Both sides in the criminal case agreed on one thing:

Serna, who was five weeks pregnant, was booked into the jail five days before her death.

the personnel and the jail system failed abysmally to provide life-saving care to a 24-year-old woman who died needlessly on a jail cell floor,” the statement said. “We will fight for her until this wrong is redressed.”

Von Lintig was accused of failing to properly care for Serna, although the defense said she only saw Serna on the day of her death and another physician had been treating her. Prosecutor­s said the doctor refused to go to Serna’s cell to check on her after reports that the inmate had suffered a seizure.

 ?? EDUARDO CONTRERAS/SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE VIA AP FILE ?? A jury in El Cajon deadlocked 9-3 for the acquittal of Dr. Friederike Von Lintig, left.
EDUARDO CONTRERAS/SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE VIA AP FILE A jury in El Cajon deadlocked 9-3 for the acquittal of Dr. Friederike Von Lintig, left.

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