The Desert Sun

Film Festival awarded Power of Community grant

- Sandie Newton Palm Springs Desert Sun USA TODAY NETWORK

One of the most impressive and important events in our valley rolled out of town Jan. 15, and what an amazing past two weeks we have had for local film lovers!

The 2024 Palm Springs Internatio­nal Film Festival (PSIFF) was another huge success. The now world-renowned festival was establishe­d back in 1989. Over the years, it has grown to become a beacon for filmmakers and movie fans as well as an important contributo­r to our community’s cultural and educationa­l fabric.

At the core of its mission is a dedication to promoting the art of filmmaking, creating cultural understand­ing and providing a platform for diverse voices.

PSIFF Artistic Director Lili Rodriguez tells us: “We love showcasing new and emerging talents that may not be noticed or recognized at other festivals: writers, directors, filmmakers from all walks of life. This is a very important part of our mission.”

As a nonprofit, the festival originated with a commitment to community engagement and education, making it an important asset for the Coachella Valley.

One of its most passionate commitment­s is to its educationa­l outreach. Through various initiative­s, workshops and programs, the festival actively engages with local schools, colleges and the broader community to cultivate a* deeper appreciati­on for the cinematic arts.

“We are very proud of our educationa­l outreach and opportunit­ies,” Rodriguez says. “We work with the local school districts to bring conversati­ons with filmmakers to young people. Some students have even gone on to pursue careers in film thanks to the unique exposure PSIFF provides.”

This educationa­l outreach program introduces young minds to the world of cinema, not only as a form of entertainm­ent but also as a powerful medium for storytelli­ng and cultural expression. The workshops led by industry profession­als provide invaluable insights into filmmaking, from scriptwrit­ing to postproduc­tion.

There is also an emphasis to reach underserve­d communitie­s. Through partnershi­ps with local organizati­ons, PSIFF ensures that its educationa­l programs are accessible to a diverse range of students across all background­s.

It’s for these important outreaches and the commitment to celebrate the art of film from all corners of the globe that we award this week’s Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation Power of Community $1,000 grant to PSIFF so it may continue in its passionate mission.

“Our goal every year is to bring the very best in film to our valley — to all in our valley,” Rodriguez says. “The transforma­tive power of cinema is something we are very committed to share. We hope to educate and entertain our community and also to inspire future filmmakers.”

So, as they say in Hollywood, “That’s a wrap!” for the 2024 PSIFF, but thanks to the work of this wonderful nonprofit, its impact will last and resonate with those in our community for years to come.

We look forward to what Rodriguez and her team will bring to the Coachella Valley in 2025 when once again we will definitely “See you at the movies!”

Learn more about the Palm Springs Internatio­nal Film Festival at

Sandie Newton is an award-winning broadcast journalist who began her career in Los Angeles as cohost of the nationally syndicated show “PM Magazine.” She went on to host many local and national shows like “Hollywood Insider” before becoming one of the original anchors for E! and a regular on Hallmark Channel’s “Home & Family.” In 2017, she moved to the desert, creating and hosting NBCares for six years. She is currently the host of “Desert Chat,” a half-hour lifestyle show spotlighti­ng all the good people, events and news in the Coachella Valley. Watch it Sundays at 6:30 p.m. on KESQ, at 10:30 p.m. on FOX 11 and noon Mondays on CW5.

 ?? POC ?? Sandie Newton speaks with Lili Rodriguez, artistic director of the Palm Springs Internatio­nal Film Festival.
POC Sandie Newton speaks with Lili Rodriguez, artistic director of the Palm Springs Internatio­nal Film Festival.
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