The Desert Sun

Cathedral City Boys & Girls Club celebrates opportunit­y for local kids

- Carole Stephen-Smith

“The Boys & Girls Club is not child care,” said Scott Robinson, CEO of Boys & Girls Club of Cathedral City, at the nonprofit’s 14th annual “extravagan­za” An Evening of Hope & Opportunit­y on Dec. 7. “Our club focuses on programs, especially youth developmen­t, where we encourage young people to find skills and then we help nurture them so that when they leave school they have choices, a vision, a path and a future.”

Robinson epitomizes Boys & Girls Clubs everywhere. Born in Scotland to alcoholic parents, his daily go-to home after his family emigrated to Santa Monica was the local Boys & Girls Club. He admits to be being a “bad boy” as a teenager, but the people at the club gently brought him back with patience and kindness and turned his life around. They even gave him a job washing toilets, sweeping floors and listening.

Eventually he become CEO, and for many years he worked at clubs in Santa Monica and Malibu. When the opportunit­y arose, he relocated to the desert in an attempt to save the nearly defunct Cathedral City club. The organizati­on is now booming and has a stellar reputation.

Held in the Miles Hanger at the Palm

Springs Air Museum, the sold-out gala was a huge success. Guests watched several short videos with testimonia­ls from grateful clients and words of hope from the dedicated volunteer team. The emcee was Patrick Evans with Michelle Westford taking on the role of auctioneer.

Amidst the beautifull­y set tables in gold and black, jazz harpist Lori Andrews played soft music during dinner. Then came excited whispers as guests browsed the brochure showing the items up for auction. These ranged from a local staycation donated by Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa, dinner for eight with local Cathedral City firefighte­rs, jewelry from El Paseo Jewelers to golf for four at Stone Eagle Golf Club along with a personal caddy and gear from the pro shop.

Among the attendees were Cathedral City Mayor Rita Lamb with husband Dave, Fire Chief Mike Contreras with wife Michelle, and Mark Carnevale, mayor pro tem, with wife Rhonda.

One success story presented was that of a shy young man named Steven

Recinos, now 22 years old, who along with his brother Mario, now 23, reluctantl­y came to the club 14 years ago.

According to board member Terry Nelson, Steven was quite a handful in the beginning. But as a teenager, the young man discovered a passion for photograph­y. Ten years later, the boy who initially couldn’t look anyone in the eye has emerged a confident photograph­er with a promising future. He surpassed even the club’s prediction­s; since graduating high school four years ago, he has successful­ly run his own business and lives on his own. Such is the power of the Boys & Girls Club. To learn more, visit Carole Stephen-Smith began writing in Scotland for a woman’s weekly at the age of 15 and then covered American celebritie­s for the London Evening Echo. Arriving in the desert, she wrote for Desert Woman in the 1990s. Carole focuses on charities that help women as well as medical causes, especially breast cancer awareness, and all aspects of child abuse.

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 ?? ?? Scott Robinson poses with Mike and Michelle Contreras at An Evening of Hope & Opportunit­y, benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Cathedral City, on Dec. 7, 2023.
Scott Robinson poses with Mike and Michelle Contreras at An Evening of Hope & Opportunit­y, benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Cathedral City, on Dec. 7, 2023.
 ?? PHOTOS BY CAROLE STEPHEN-SMITH, SPECIAL TO THE DESERT SUN ?? John Berger, Robert Durbin, Conrad Corral and Neal Williams show their support.
PHOTOS BY CAROLE STEPHEN-SMITH, SPECIAL TO THE DESERT SUN John Berger, Robert Durbin, Conrad Corral and Neal Williams show their support.
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 ?? ?? Jeffrey Ewell and A.J. Abrahams show their support.
Jeffrey Ewell and A.J. Abrahams show their support.
 ?? ?? Steven Recinos poses with his mentor, Terry Nelson.
Steven Recinos poses with his mentor, Terry Nelson.
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