The Desert Sun

Philanthro­py Day honors trailblazi­ng teen Abigail Cheley

- Theresa Maggio

Seventeen-year-old Abigail Cheley was recently honored as the Outstandin­g Philanthro­py in Youth at National Philanthro­py Day (NPD) by the Associatio­n of Fundraisin­g Profession­al CA Desert Communitie­s (AFP) chapter. Inspired by her volunteer work at Alzheimers Coachella Valley (ACV), Cheley made genuine connection­s with seniors experienci­ng memory loss and developed a comprehens­ive plan for her Girl Scouts Gold project.

The Girl Scouts Gold Award is the highest achievemen­t within the Girl Scouts of the USA. A mere 5.4% of eligible Girl Scouts successful­ly earn this national distinctio­n. The prestigiou­s award recognizes a young woman’s leadership skills, dedication and commitment to her community.

Cheley’s successful project has fostered generation­al connection­s between volunteer teens and Alzheimer’s patients. Her program included art projects, memory aids, custom board and bingo games blending with icebreaker­s to spur conversati­ons. Social interactio­n is crucial for those with memory loss so regular interactio­n with volunteers provides a sense of companions­hip to improve their quality of life.

“Abigail recruited peer volunteers to give families a break from the daily realities while developing care opportunit­ies for their elders,” shares Priscilla Kubas, Operations Manager at ACV.

“I adapted old Monopoly boards and soon players were talking about hometowns and trips based upon the adapted game’s questions,” Cheley added. “Two players discovered that they had grown up a few blocks from each other in another city while in their twenties. I was proud that my game brought about a long-lasting connection. You never know what kind of an impact you will make on someone.”

“Abigail is truly a caring soul who has

brought creativity, enthusiasm and kindness to those with dementia,” adds Kubas. “Her attention to detail and engagement is treasured. She often brings home-baked goods for members and has been a tremendous help to our volunteer work at the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM) by recruiting volunteers for food bank fundraiser­s.”

Girl Scouts such as Cheley are dynamic young leaders, already well-establishe­d as the world-changers, role models of progress and real-life heroes we all look up to. She completed her Bronze award in elementary school by creating a map for the Coachella Valley History Museum. Her Silver award was achieved in middle school by building a website about earthquake­s. But it’s her Gold Award that will carry out lasting connection­s for ACV’s members.

Community service has always been a part of Cheley’s life. She has served as class president for National Charity League where she has volunteere­d up to 100 hours each year for ACV, Palm Desert Library, The Living Desert, Big Brothers/ Big Sisters, Children’s Discovery Museum of the Desert, Palm Desert High School Community Outreach Club and CVRM birthday parties.

“Speaking with Abigail, you immediatel­y understand how much her program has affected the lives of the seniors she serves, her friends and herself,” shares Josh N. Zahid, AFP President. “She is a mature, responsibl­e advocate who understand­s the positive change she can affect multi-generation­ally. We are proud to add her to our NPD family.”

For more informatio­n regarding National Philanthro­py Day and AFP’s monthly educationa­l luncheons, visit afpcadeser­


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