The Desert Sun

Push for labor laws could have negative consequenc­es for workers

- Dan Walters Columnist

When federal government and state government­s passed laws governing wages, working hours and other workplace conditions prior to World War II, agricultur­al labor was exempted. Many years later, after the 40hour work week became standard, California’s Industrial Welfare Commission decreed that farmworker­s could work up to 10 hours a day or six days a week before overtime pay kicked in.

In 2016, however, years of lobbying by unions and other groups finally paid off when the Legislatur­e decreed that the eight-hour day and 40-hour work week for agricultur­al labor would be phased in. Then-Gov. Jerry Brown signed the legislatio­n, Assembly Bill 1066, despite warnings from farm groups that it would disrupt their industry.

Recently, the University of California’s Cooperativ­e Extension branch, which researches agricultur­al issues, released a study indicating that having a 40-hour work week has not been as beneficial to farmworker­s as its sponsors promised.

Alexandra Hill, an assistant professor at UC Berkeley, concluded that many workers who had hoped for a cornucopia of overtime pay saw their incomes reduced when employers limited them to 40 hours a week. Her study found that many workers experience­d reductions in the $100-$200 range each week because farmers could not automatica­lly pass on overtime costs to their customers.

“It’s really important to think carefully about how we can best implement policies that really benefit the people that we’re trying to (help),” Hill told The Sacramento Bee.

Hill’s research exemplifie­s the phenomenon of unanticipa­ted consequenc­es that often afflicts political actions. Legislator­s may have thought they could help farmworker­s by giving them a 40-hour workweek but failed to consider the potential downsides when applied in the real world.

In recent years, the Legislatur­e has been particular­ly prone to passing laws affecting workplace conditions — not surprising­ly, given the close relationsh­ip between the Capitol’s dominant Democrats and labor unions, which seek benefits they are unable to achieve in unionizati­on drives or negotiatio­ns with employers.

The most spectacula­r example was 2019 legislatio­n that severely limited employers’ ability to use contractor­s, in effect converting several million workers to payroll employees.

Hill’s study was released just months after the Legislatur­e had set new minimum wages for the fast food and medical care industries, $20 per hour for the former and $25 for the latter, to dampen threats of ballot-box wars. As with the 2016 law on farm labor, unions and advocates of the new minimum wages said they would lift workers in the affected industries out of poverty.

“Today California is putting a stop to the hemorrhagi­ng of our care workforce by ensuring health care workers can do the work they love and pay their bills – a huge win for workers and patients seeking care,” Tia Orr, executive director of SEIU California, told CalMatters.

However, there will be real world impacts. Fast food franchisee­s will adjust by hiring fewer workers, raising prices or adopting more technology, such as the selfserve kiosks now common at McDonald’s.

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