The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

Without transporta­tion, these JCPS kids need our help

- Teddy Gordon Guest columnist

W hile some parents and I are suing Jefferson County Public Schools over the lack of transporta­tion, we appreciate the recent assurances by Superinten­dent Marty Pollio that any additional bus drivers will take these children to their schools. These African American students are enrolled in, or have been accepted to, the JCPS magnet and traditiona­l schools of Male, Manual and Whitney Young. And we are hopeful that the transporta­tion services would include any and all minority children who are being denied the opportunit­y to go to any better school.

However, today those parents and guardians of these children are now franticall­y looking for alternate forms of transporta­tion in order to attend these schools that have been promised by JCPS. These children must be at their magnet or traditiona­l schools on the first day of class (Thursday, Aug. 8) or lose their slots at these better schools.

It is cruel for JCPS to offer a “Golden Ticket” of a better educationa­l outcome to these children and then to take it away, knowing full well that these children have no means to get to those better schools.

One of the plaintiffs is a junior at high-ranking Manual and now is being forced to go to a subpar “resides” school, which will impact his chances of getting into and graduating from college.

While the accurate figures are not forthcomin­g from JCPS, it is estimated that JCPS is providing no transporta­tion for what is believed to be hundreds of Black students who would be going to better schools instead of their resides ones. One of the parents in the lawsuit testified that there is no direct TARC service and that any TARC bus ride would take two hours to get to school, having to leave before 5:30 A.M. in order to get to school by the 7:30 A.M. start time. The other parents in this lawsuit have the same problem. Additional­ly, the stipends being offered by JCPS does not cover these extra expenses, plus prevents the parents from getting to their places of employment.

Until the judge can rule on this case, I call upon community leaders and churches to create transporta­tion alternativ­es to help these students and possibly receive the daily stipends that are being given by JCPS.

No child must be punished for living in the wrong ZIP code.

Teddy B. Gordon is a Louisville attorney. He is representi­ng parents who are suing JCPS over the decision to take away transporta­tion for most magnet school students.

It is cruel for JCPS to offer a “Golden Ticket” of a better educationa­l outcome to these children and then to take it away, knowing full well that these children have no means to get to those better schools.

 ?? JOURNAL SCOTT UTTERBACK/COURIER ?? The first day off Indian Trail Elementary ended as students got out of class and onto a bus Aug. 8.
JOURNAL SCOTT UTTERBACK/COURIER The first day off Indian Trail Elementary ended as students got out of class and onto a bus Aug. 8.
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