The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

We focus on voter fraud this week and our impact in the community

- Mary Irby-Jones Editor Louisville Courier Journal USA TODAY NETWORK

When I first joined the Courier Journal in March 2021, I immediatel­y identified a goal to reconnect our newsroom to the community we serve, which was especially important because we were still battling the COVID pandemic.

To me that looked like better dialogue and listening to residents in the local cities and communitie­s in Louisville and the surroundin­g area. Not to suggest that we were not doing that already, but I thought we could do an even better job serving our communitie­s through engagement efforts, like community forums, candidate forums and moderating key conversati­ons about important topics.

Three and a half years later, I won’t go so far as to claim 100% success, but the staff at the Courier Journal has done some amazing work from shopping for children in need, to holding food and toy drives, to staffing our mobile newsroom, to volunteeri­ng in the community. So many times, newspapers are hesitant to tout our work and impact. But the volunteer efforts by folks in my newsroom demonstrat­e how much they care about and are part of this community. There is no mandate, they truly do this because they care and enjoy serving. So, it’s my job to brag! So here are some recent examples that I would like to share with you before I tell you about what’s in today’s newspaper:

● Folks from across the newsroom spent time at Second Stride, a horse retirement farm, in May where they helped clean water buckets, cleaned stalls and more.

● They also volunteere­d at The Lord’s Kitchen, a soup kitchen serving community members in need, in August.

● They painted benches and picked up litter at Sun Valley Park in southwest Louisville.

Now let’s get to this week’s news! We have heard a lot about election irregulari­ties and volunteer fraud in the past several years. Enterprise reporter Lucas Aulbach closely examines some Kentucky cases to show readers what voter fraud looks like. Lucas travels to one rural county in our state to dig deep into vote-buying in a local race that led to a 40-count indictment and jail time.

Lucas, who has been at the newspaper nearly 10 years, also explains how the state investigat­es election fraud. Also in today’s newspaper:

● Meet Courier Journal features writer and clerk Gege Reed, who has worked in newsrooms since 1977. As you will see when you read her Q&A, Gege is the backbone of our newsroom.

● Our inspiratio­n page features Major Waltman, a major force behind the preservati­on of Olmsted Parks, who retired in July.

● From the Archives: A look back at the decades-old Mall St. Matthews, Kentucky’s first indoor shopping center.

● Sports huddle: In a nod to the kickoff of high school football, this week’s cover takes a look at brothers Connor and Cole Hodge, who aim to help Christian Academy win a third consecutiv­e Class 3A football title before heading to East Carolina University.

 ?? PROVIDED BY OLIVIA EVANS ?? Courier Journal staff volunteere­d recently serving meals to people at The Lord’s Kitchen. They are, from left, Ana Alvarez Brinez, Maggie Menderski, Angie Grissom, Bailey Loosemore, Veda Morgan, Prince James Story and Olivia Evans, center.
PROVIDED BY OLIVIA EVANS Courier Journal staff volunteere­d recently serving meals to people at The Lord’s Kitchen. They are, from left, Ana Alvarez Brinez, Maggie Menderski, Angie Grissom, Bailey Loosemore, Veda Morgan, Prince James Story and Olivia Evans, center.
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