The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

We want to recognize achievers; how high schools can help


The Courier Journal Student of the Week is back.

The feature, designed to recognize the achievemen­ts of high school students, kicks off this month.

Schools can nominate students who have accomplish­ed something worth celebratin­g, whether it’s receiving a scholarshi­p or placing well in an academic competitio­n, winning a science fair, earning some other honor or doing something notable in the community like service projects or volunteer accomplish­ments.

Any high school in Louisville and surroundin­g counties, including Southern Indiana, are invited to participat­e.

Each high school can nominate one person every week. Principals, teachers, guidance counselors or school district officials can submit nomination­s. We will need the correct spelling of each student’s name with a few sentences on why they should be honored and a photo we can publish on The Courier Journal’s website and in the newspaper.

We will include all the nominated students in a poll and let the community choose the student of the week. A story will include all the student achievers submitted for the week.

The idea is to celebrate the accomplish­ments of our young people.

We will only accept nominees from schools, so if you know of someone who should be recognized, please work through their schools.

The first nomination period runs through Thursday, Aug. 22, with submission­s due by 5 p.m.

School officials can nominate students using this link: http://

If you have questions, contact news clerk Gege Reed at greed@courierjou­

 ?? MATT STONE/THE COURIER JOURNAL ?? Fairdale students erupt in cheers as the Bulldogs beat Spencer County in the 2023 Chad Gardner Law King of the Bluegrass holiday basketball tournament at Fairdale High School.
MATT STONE/THE COURIER JOURNAL Fairdale students erupt in cheers as the Bulldogs beat Spencer County in the 2023 Chad Gardner Law King of the Bluegrass holiday basketball tournament at Fairdale High School.

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