The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

What’s happening with traffic around new VA hospital?

- Leo Bertucci

The new VA medical center’s towering presence draws glances from drivers passing through northeast Louisville and is bound to grow even more as constructi­on work on the 34-acre site along Brownsboro Road and Interstate 264 is not quite done.

In preparatio­n for the opening of the massive campus, officials with the city and state are working to handle an expected increase in energy usage and vehicle traffic. Here are a few things to know about the hospital and other nearby projects.

When will the new VA hospital open?

Constructi­on of the Louisville VA Medical Center is scheduled to be complete in “early 2026,” according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Officials hosted a groundbrea­king ceremony at the site on Nov. 11, 2021, The Courier Journal previously reported.

On Monday, crews began work on installing utilities, constructi­ng part of a parking structure and setting the foundation for a water tower, according to a constructi­on update posted online by the VA. Crews will continue this work and complete other tasks over a twoweek period.

Are they changing the roads around the new hospital?

Yes. The Kentucky Transporta­tion Cabinet is leading an effort to widen the Watterson Expressway from two to three lanes at Brownsboro Road and improve traffic flow on I-264 between the Westport Road and Interstate 71 interchang­es, among other projects.

Constructi­on work at I-264 and Brownsboro Road could begin in 2025, but an exact starting date has not determined due to an ongoing effort by LG&E to reposition utility poles and wires sitting where a new roadway would be.

LG&E anticipate­s to have all of the poles relocated by January 2025, according to project documents.

Plans are also in the works to build a new electric substation, which will be built along Brownsboro Road near northbound I-71. Officials said the substation is expected to be completed by October.

Will there be additional parking at the new hospital?

A larger hospital does mean more parking. The VA said there would be 2,600 parking spaces at the new site, about 1,000 more than the existing Robley Rex Medical Center.

Reporter Lucas Aulbach contribute­d.

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