The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

CJ reporters will be in the California neighborho­od

Tell us about local issues and enter to win raffles

- Bailey Loosemore

There’s no shortage of news in Louisville. And every day, The Courier Journal does its best to keep up with it.

But there are still plenty of stories we miss — and we want to fix that.

Our answer: the mobile newsroom. For the third year, Courier Journal reporters and editors will work from several neighborho­ods, with the goals of better covering each area and improving our staff’s connection with community members.

We’ll listen to anything you have to say, and hopefully we’ll produce stories that shine a better light on issues and opportunit­ies in your neighborho­od.

The 2024 mobile newsroom started in Valley Station and will move to California in July, before traveling to Lyndon, Shelby Park and Oldham County.

We’ll have Raising Cane’s gift cards to give away at each stop. So make sure to stop by to enter your name in a raffle to win.

The Courier Journal partnered with Louisville Free Public Libraries to launch the mobile newsroom in 2022, and we’ve already visited almost a dozen communitie­s, including Butchertow­n, Shawnee, La Grange, Okolona and Iroquois.

With community members’ help, we got water turned back on at a West End park and shared the story of a nonprofit that helps people die with dignity. We’ve also covered the growth of tourism in Oldham County, the effect Hispanicow­ned businesses have had on one commercial corridor and what historic health investment­s mean for west Louisville.

Our next stop is the California Community Center, 1600 W. Saint Catherine St., from July 8 through 19. Journalist­s will work from the center from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. We invite anyone who’d like to speak with us to stop by.

Look for the following staff members at each stop on these days:

● Bonnie Feldkamp, community engagement and opinion editor — Mondays and Fridays

● Veda Morgan, Midwest opinion and engagement director — Mondays and Fridays

● Joe Gerth, opinion columnist — Tuesdays and Thursdays

● Hannah Pinski, politics reporter — Tuesdays

● Krista Johnson, education reporter — Wednesdays

● Rebecca Grapevine, chief statehouse reporter — Thursdays

We want to talk to and learn from as many people as we can. So please also let us know about any meetings we should attend, civic groups we should contact or even any restaurant­s that serve as community gathering places.

Can’t make it to the library while we’re there? Contact reporter Bailey Loosemore to set up a time to talk at or 502-582-4646.

California, July 8-19

Location: California Community Center, 1600 W. Saint Catherine St.

Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays

Lyndon, Aug. 5-16

Location: Northeast Regional Library, 15 Bellevoir Circle

Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays

Shelby Park, Sept. 3-13

Location: Logan Street Market, 1001

Logan St.

Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday

Oldham County, Oct. 7-18

Location and hours to come

Reach reporter Bailey Loosemore at, 502582-4646 or on Twitter @bloosemore.

 ?? MICHAEL CLEVENGER/COURIER JOURNAL ?? The California Community Center on June 13, 2023.
MICHAEL CLEVENGER/COURIER JOURNAL The California Community Center on June 13, 2023.

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