The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

8 high-profile court cases to watch around Louisville

Man who shot at mayor, ‘Superchef ’ among them

- Rachel Smith

From a local pediatrici­an’s murderfor-hire plot to the 2022 shooting at Mayor Craig Greenberg’s campaign office, several major local court cases that have grabbed headlines over the years are expected to see a slate of updates through the end of 2024.

Here’s a round up of cases to follow this year.

Quintez Brown to stand trial for shooting at Mayor Craig Greenberg

A federal trial for Brown — a Louisville activist charged with attempting to shoot then-mayoral candidate Greenberg — is expected to begin August 13.

Brown, a former University of Louisville student who had worked as an intern at The Courier Journal, was arrested Feb. 14, 2022, shortly after police said he used a 9 mm Glock to fire shots into Greenberg’s campaign office in the Butchertow­n Market on Story Avenue. None of the five people inside were injured, but one shot is believed to have tore through Greenberg’s sweater.

Brown has been federally charged with interferen­ce with federally protected activities — Greenberg’s campaign — as well as the use and discharge of a firearm during and in relation to a violent crime. Brown also faces a separate case tied to the incident in state court, where he’s been charged with attempted murder and four counts of first-degree wanton endangerme­nt.

In early 2023, defense attorney Rob Eggert told U.S. District Judge Benjamin Beaton he will pursue the insanity defense for Brown.

If Brown is convicted in federal court, he faces anywhere between 10 years in prison to life, without the possibilit­y of parole.

Four charged in connection to Miya Rudd’s disappeara­nce

Days after a decomposed infant’s body was found inside their Ohio County home, the parents of missing 8month-old Miya Rudd — Tesla Tucker and Cage Rudd — were charged with a string of offenses, including felony counts of criminal abuse, abuse of a corpse, first-degree wanton endangerme­nt and engaging in organized crime. They have also been charged with drugrelate­d offenses.

Police began investigat­ing Rudd’s disappeara­nce after family members said she hadn’t been seen since the end of April. Kentucky State Police later said detectives found an infant’s body “consistent with Miya Rudd,” with the the body “hidden in a concealed manner” inside her parents’ residence.

Two other men, Brodie Payne and Ricky Smith, also face several charges related to the investigat­ion, including abuse of a corpse and first-degree wanton endangerme­nt.

Smith is Miya Rudd’s grandfathe­r. According to KSP, Payne had been residing at the Rudd household for approximat­ely six months prior to his arrest.

All four defendants’ arraignmen­ts are set for July 2.

Several other people have been arrested on unrelated charges, including Miya’s other three grandparen­ts: Taletha D. Tucker, 50; David Tucker, 53; and Billie J. Smith, 49.

Ex-Catholic school teacher charged with child pornograph­y involving students

The former Louisville Catholic school teacher accused of creating and distributi­ng child pornograph­y using altered images of his students is expected to face trial this fall following his indictment by a federal grand jury.

In the indictment, Jordan A. Fautz was charged with distributi­on of child pornograph­y, distributi­on of obscene visual representa­tion of child sexual abuse and possession of child pornograph­y between March 31, 2022 and February 2, 2024.

The FBI’s investigat­ion tracked an IP address to him that was used to send images of child pornograph­y involving spliced photos of students at St. Stephen Martyr — with their real names and the name of their school clearly visible — along with at least one adult to an undercover agent, according to his charging document.

Fautz was arrested in early February and faces up to 120 years in prison if convicted.

His trial is currently slated to begin in early October.

Pediatrici­an in murder-for-hire plot against ex-husband awaiting sentencing

Early this year, former Louisville pediatrici­an Stephanie Russell pleaded guilty to stalking her ex-husband and attempting to hire someone to kill him. Now, it’s up to a district court judge to decide the length of her sentence.

According to prosecutor­s of the case, Russell, who ran the popular Kidz Life Pediatrics in Louisville’s Norton Commons prior to her arrest, began trying to locate someone to kill her ex-husband

after a family court judge awarded permanent, sole custody of their two children to their father in April 2021.

Russell was arrested at her office in May 2022.

If Judge David Hale agrees to the prosecutio­n’s recommenda­tion, Russell will be sentenced to at least eight years in federal prison.

Her sentencing is scheduled for July 31.

Superchef Darnell Ferguson charged with strangulat­ion, assault against wife

Food Network star and former Louisville restaurate­ur Darnell “Superchef” Ferguson faces multiple charges, including felony counts of first-degree burglary and strangulat­ion, in connection to a domestic incident in January.

Ferguson, 37, was arraigned in Jefferson Circuit Court in February over allegation­s he assaulted his estranged wife while attempting to drop off their children at her apartment. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

During a pretrial hearing in late January, Louisville Detective Mark Richardson testified as part of the law enforcemen­t team who responded to the incident, saying he interviewe­d Tatahda Ferguson, who claims she woke up to Darnell Ferguson inside her home without permission on Jan. 2.

Court documents allege Darnell Ferguson began to yell and punch walls, causing damage to the home. He is accused of then telling his wife that he would kill her and grabbing her by the neck, restrainin­g her breathing and causing her to lose consciousn­ess.

In April, Tatahda Ferguson released a statement through her legal counsel saying her words during that police interview were “twisted” by investigat­ors. She added she was never in any physical danger, and the only time Darnell Ferguson touched her that day was to push her off of him.

Darnell Ferguson’s case is still active.

He has a pretrial conference slated for July 3.

Mom charged in Southern Indiana murder of toddler stuffed inside suitcase

Cairo Ammar Jordan was found on April 16, 2022 in a heavily wooded area in Washington County, Indiana. His body was inside a suitcase with “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada” painted on its shell.

Sgt. Carey Huls of the Indiana State Police previously said Jordan died due to an electrolyt­e imbalance “most likely caused by ... vomiting and diarrhea. And that resulted in dehydratio­n.”

Once Jordan was identified, police announced his mother, Dejaune Anderson, and her friend, Dawn Elaine Coleman of Shreveport, Louisiana, were considered suspects.

Both women had published several social media posts that referred to a child as a “demon” and “an avatar playing a character” ahead of Jordan’s death, according to Coleman’s arrest affidavit.

Coleman was arrested in late 2022, but Anderson could not be located by law enforcemen­t until she was arrested in March by the U.S. Marshals Service in

California. She faces multiple felony charges, including murder.

In November, Coleman pleaded guilty to the charge of conspiracy to commit murder in relation to Jordan’s death and was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Coleman will serve 25 years, with five years suspended to probation per the terms of her plea agreement.

Anderson has a pretrial conference scheduled for July 11, with a trial date tentativel­y set for August. She has pleaded not guilty.

Former Indiana sheriff Jamey Noel charged with litany of felonies

Former Indiana Sheriff Jamey Noel faces over two dozen felony charges, including tax evasion, ghost employment and corrupt business influence, stemming from various accusation­s of fraud that allegedly occurred while he was in public office and served as the CEO of a local nonprofit.

Since an Indiana State Police investigat­ion began in June 2023, investigat­ors have alleged Noel — who also led the Utica Township Fire Fighters Associatio­n and New Chapel EMS — hired county employees to do work for his personal interests, used a business credit card for private purposes and falsified documents to help an officer receive unauthoriz­ed pension funds, among other charges.

Noel’s wife, Misty, and daughter, Kasey, were also charged with theft and tax evasion after the Indiana State Police released documents alleging they used public funds to pay for personal items. Misty’s trial is scheduled for July 30, while Kasey’s is set for August 20. They each have pleaded not guilty.

A jury trial on Noel’s criminal charges is set for Nov. 6. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Three men connected to Crystal Rogers’ murder case: Brooks Houck, Joseph Lawson and Steve Lawson

Crystal Rogers, a 35-year-old mother of five children, went missing around July 3, 2015, from Bardstown, Kentucky. Her car was soon found abandoned on the Bluegrass Parkway with her keys, phone and purse inside. While her body has never been found, she is presumed dead by investigat­ors.

Rogers’ case finally received a break in recent months, when her then-boyfriend, Brooks Houck, and a father and son pair, Steve and Joseph Lawson, were separately arrested.

Houck was Rogers’ boyfriend at the time of her disappeara­nce and was identified by investigat­ors as a suspect within the first few months of the investigat­ion. He is charged with murder and tampering with physical evidence.

Steve and Joseph Lawson have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and tampering with physical evidence.

The three defendants’ trials are tentativel­y scheduled to begin early next year. They have all pleaded not guilty.

Reach reporter Rachel Smith at rksmith@courierjou­ or @RachelSmit­hNews on X, formerly known as Twitter. Reporters Ana Rocío Álvarez Bríñez and Leo Bertucci contribute­d to this reporting.

 ?? MATT STONE/THE COURIER JOURNAL ?? “Superchef” Darnell Ferguson appears in Division Twelve Jefferson Circuit Court Feb. 26 in Louisville. Ferguson is charged with one count each of first degree burglary, one count of strangulat­ion in first degree, fourth degree assault and terroristi­c threatenin­g in the third degree, menacing, and criminal mischief.
MATT STONE/THE COURIER JOURNAL “Superchef” Darnell Ferguson appears in Division Twelve Jefferson Circuit Court Feb. 26 in Louisville. Ferguson is charged with one count each of first degree burglary, one count of strangulat­ion in first degree, fourth degree assault and terroristi­c threatenin­g in the third degree, menacing, and criminal mischief.
 ?? KENTUCKY STATE POLICE ?? Miya Rudd, 8 months, was reported missing from Reynolds Station after police conducted a welfare check on June 6. Troopers have now arrested five people, including the child’s grandmothe­r and parents, in the infant’s disappeara­nce.
KENTUCKY STATE POLICE Miya Rudd, 8 months, was reported missing from Reynolds Station after police conducted a welfare check on June 6. Troopers have now arrested five people, including the child’s grandmothe­r and parents, in the infant’s disappeara­nce.
 ?? ?? Brown
 ?? SCOTT UTTERBACK/COURIER JOURNAL ?? Brooks Houck, with his attorney Brian Butler, was part of pretrial conference­s for the murder of Crystal Rogers in Nelson Circuit Court on Feb. 8.
SCOTT UTTERBACK/COURIER JOURNAL Brooks Houck, with his attorney Brian Butler, was part of pretrial conference­s for the murder of Crystal Rogers in Nelson Circuit Court on Feb. 8.
 ?? ?? Noel

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