The Courier-Journal (Louisville)


- C.L. Brown

What’s your role at the Courier Journal?

I am the sports columnist. I get to write my opinion on issues that matter to our readers using my perspectiv­e formed from 30 years of experience reporting. My goal isn’t to make everyone agree with what I have to say, but I do hope to spark thoughtful discussion by offering an informed point of view.

Give us a brief history of your journalism career.

I worked at the Courier Journal from 2000-13 and was the University of Louisville beat writer the last five years of that stay before returning as a columnist in 2023. In between my stints at the CJ, I was a national college basketball reporter for and The Athletic. And I spent two years as the University of North Carolina beat writer at the Raleigh News & Observer.

Tell us about your day-to-day.

My days usually begin with either phone calls or text messages to different sources. Some I already know, some are new, sometimes it’s a formal interview, sometimes it’s just an off-the-record conversati­on to help me get a better understand­ing of a subject. Talking to people in the business of sports helps me anticipate what may be on the horizon and helps shape what I’ll choose to write about.

What’s your biggest accomplish­ment or something you are most proud of while working at the CJ?

I’m still proud of (and sore from) the video I teamed with photograph­er Michael Clevenger to make in 2012 on ‘The Pit.’ I wanted to write about how injured U of L football players who couldn’t practice spent their time. Pat Moorer, the strength and conditioni­ng coach under then-head coach Charlie Strong, agreed to it under the condition that I participat­ed.

It was a rigorous, physical workout, the likes of which I’ve never done again, but we did win an APSE award for my pain.

What’s cool or fun that you want people to know about you?

It may not be cool or fun, but it is a fact. I’m the youngest of five siblings and we all have the same initials, hence, I write under C.L. Brown.

Bonus: What kind or interestin­g thing can readers expect from you in the next month?

How’s this for a teaser, I have a column coming about how new U of L men’s basketball head coach Pat Kelsey nearly got himself fired from a job earlier in his career for being too competitiv­e. You’ll only see this story in the CJ.

Talking to people in the business of sports helps me anticipate what may be on the horizon and helps shape what I’ll choose to write about.

 ?? MATT STONE/LOUISVILLE COURIER JOURNAL ?? C.L. Brown, columnist for the Courier Journal is pictured Oct. 11, 2023.
MATT STONE/LOUISVILLE COURIER JOURNAL C.L. Brown, columnist for the Courier Journal is pictured Oct. 11, 2023.

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