The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

Acclaimed singer Renée Fleming coming to Kentucky

- Gege Reed Reach Features news clerk Gege Reed at

The Kentucky Author Forum is bringing opera singer and author Renée Fleming to Louisville.

Fleming has performed on the stages of the world’s greatest opera houses and concert halls, has earned five Grammy Awards, the U.S. National Medal of Arts, and is a Goodwill Ambassador for Arts and Health for the World Health Organizati­on.

In December she was awarded the prestigiou­s Kennedy Center Honors.

Fleming’s new book, “Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness,“draws upon her experience as an advocate to showcase the breadth of this booming field. She has invited leading experts to share their discoverie­s, with essays from notable musicians, writers, and artists, as well as leading neuroscien­tists and practition­ers. In addition to describing therapeuti­c benefits, the book explores evolution, brain function, childhood developmen­t, and technology as applied to arts and health.

Here’s what to know about the upcoming Kentucky Author Forum:

University of Louisville Kentucky Author Forum

WHAT: Renée Fleming will be a part of The University of Louisville’s Kentucky Author Forum. The interviewe­r will be announced at a later date.

WHERE: Kentucky Center Bomhard Theater and North Lobby (live stream), 501 W. Main St.

WHEN: April 8

● 5 p.m.: Wine and cheese reception, Carmichael’s Bookstore pre-signed book sale in the lobby

● 6 p.m.: Discussion with Fleming in the Bomhard Theater;

● 7 p.m.: Q&A with audience, livestream­ed to the North Lobby

● 7:30 p.m.: Dinner in honor of Fleming at Muhammad Ali Center, 144 N. 6th St.

COST: $35 for the Bomhard Theater includes all evening events before 7:30 p.m.; $17.50 for the live streamed to the North Lobby, includes all evening events before 7:30 p.m.; $165 includes all events in Bomhard Theater, plus dinner and $147.50 for the live stream to the North Lobby, plus dinner ($40 tax deductible contributi­on to non-profit Kentucky Author Forum). Discounted tickets for University of Louisville students, faculty, and staff may be purchased in person with UofL ID at The Kentucky Center drive-thru service.

TICKETS: Tickets are available at The Kentucky Center box office, 502584-7777 or kentuckype­rformingar­

 ?? COURTESY OF ANDREW ECCLES ?? Opera singer and author Renée Fleming
COURTESY OF ANDREW ECCLES Opera singer and author Renée Fleming

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