The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

Comer continues to prove Biden is innocent

- Joseph Gerth Columnist

Jamie “Shell Company” Comer is at it again.

The head of the House Oversight Committee has called in yet another witness to testify against President Joe Biden − a witness who said the president was not involved in his family members’ businesses. And yet, Ol’ Shell Company Comer persists. Psssssssss­ss.

That sound you hear is the sound of Ol’ Shell Company’s balloon deflating.

Don’t worry, Comer will fill it up with more of his hot air.

The most recent bust came earlier this week when Carol Fox, a trustee for Americore, a bankrupt healthcare company, testified before Comer’s oversight committee that she was unaware of any involvemen­t by Joe Biden in James Biden’s business dealings.

Ol’ Shell Company Comer thinks there is something suspicious about the fact that James Biden used money when it became available to repay a loan to his brother.

But this, like so many things that Comer has done, was a flop.

Doesn’t matter, Ol’ Shell Company will likely go on “Fox & Friends” – wait he quit going on “Fox & Friends” after Steve Doocy blew up one of his arguments, telling Comer, “You don’t actually have any facts to that point. You’ve got some circumstan­tial evidence. And the other thing is, of all those names, the one person who didn’t profit − there’s no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally.”

He’ll likely go on Newsmax to claim that Fox said exactly the opposite of what she said in the interrogat­ion and that she provided crucial evidence against the president.

It’s a pattern we’ve seen before. Ol’ Shell Company Comer makes a big deal out of something and then when we find out the truth, we learn that he was making a big deal about nothing or just flat out lying.

He once claimed a witness would testify that Joe Biden took part in meetings with his son’s business partners. Actually, that witness said Hunter Biden often called Joe Biden during business meetings and put him on speaker long enough for Biden to say little more than “Hello.”

Comer claimed the witness also said the Burisma energy company that put Hunter Biden on its board of directors benefited when Joe Biden pushed the Ukraine government to fire general prosecutor Viktor Shokin, when in fact, the witness said he was told repeatedly that Burisma would benefit from the do-nothing prosecutor remaining in office.

And then Comer keeps pushing forward with the impeachmen­t of Biden that even Ken Buck, the Colorado congressma­n who was seen as a rightwing kook when he was first elected, has said is bogus.

A couple of months ago, Buck wrote that Republican­s trying to impeach Biden are “relying on an imagined history.”

Now, Ol’ Shell Company Comer is spitting mad at Hunter Biden because he has defied a subpoena to testify behind closed doors. Biden has said he’d gladly testify in public where Comer can’t lie about what he said before an official transcript could be made.

Comer appears scared to let Biden testify in public.

The most important thing we have learned from Ol’ Shell Company Comer’s investigat­ion of Hunter and James Biden (we limit this investigat­ion to Hunter and James Biden because Comer has found absolutely nothing about Joe Biden) is that Hunter Biden has a number of shell companies.

The same sort of shell company Comer created to hold property that he purchased from a political donor and then put into his wife’s name.

Oops. That can’t be right.

He bought land (that then suddenly increased in price) from a political supporter? And then hid it in a shell company? And then put the shell company in his wife’s name?

Whoa, Jamie, what is going on here? Now, there are a number of legitimate reasons to create shell companies.

Some people do it to legally avoid paying taxes. Others use shell companies to protect their other businesses from legal judgments or bankruptci­es.

Some people use them to hide land purchases from political supporters that they then put in their wife’s name.


Has Joe Biden ever done anything wrong in his life?


He’s plagiarize­d RFK, JFK and British Labour Leader Neil Kinnock in speeches over the years. Oh, yeah, there was also that time in law school when he plagiarize­d a law review article in a paper he wrote.

He’s co-sponsored legislatio­n that led to more and more Black people rotting in prison for minor drug violations, and he supported a bill that would have made it more difficult for judges to order busing plans to segregate schools.

I dare say, very few of us are without sin.

But has he done anything impeachabl­e?

Based on the evidence that Ol’ Shell Company Comer has kicked over, nope. Not even close.

And one thing he isn’t guilty of is buying property from a political supporter and then hiding it in a shell company that he then put in his wife’s name.

Ol’ Shell Company Comer has done it though. Maybe someone needs to investigat­e that.

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