The Boyertown Area Times

Museum opens Fegely’s Diner for Fastnacht Day

Patrons can enjoy 5 cent coffee, 25 cent fastnachts on Shrove Tuesday

- By Lisa Mitchell lmitchell@berksmontn­

The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles will once again host Fastnacht Day in the famous Fegely’s Reading Diner on Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“This is an annual event held each year on Shrove Tuesday. The event was on hiatus during the pandemic, but it returned last year in full force,” Michaela Zaborowski, community engagement coordinato­r at the Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles, said in a statement. “Last year’s event (the first since the pandemic) was the most successful and well-attended to date.”

On Shrove Tuesday, patrons can enjoy coffee and homemade fastnachts while sitting inside the preserved Fegely’s Reading Diner on display inside the Museum. Purchase a fastnacht for 25 cents and a cup of coffee for 5 cents.

Fastnachts are traditiona­lly made by kitchens in southeaste­rn Pennsylvan­ia just once a year before the start of Lent. This custom began in the 17th and 18th centuries when German immigrants started to settle in the region, bringing the practice of abstaining from the consumptio­n of sugary and fatty foods during the Lenten season, the Museum explained in the release.

During those 40 days, foods

like lard, butter, and sugar were at risk of spoiling, so efforts were made to consume those foods before the fasting began. Fastnachts are usually made with potato flour, sugar, eggs, and butter or lard, and are fried, resulting in a crispy exterior and a tender, doughy center.

“Fastnacht Day gives our patrons a chance to appreciate and enjoy an iconic piece of Berks

County history in Fegely’s Reading Diner and get rare insight into the machines on display, as well as the historic building the Museum’s collection is housed in, through our docents’ stories,” said Zaborowski.

In addition to the classic fried treats and coffee, visitors will have full access to the Museum’s historic collection. Docents will

 ?? PHOTO COURTESY OF BOYERTOWN MUSEUM OF HISTORIC VEHICLES ?? The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles will open Fegely’s Reading Diner for Fastnacht Day on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 10a.m. to 1 p.m. Purchase a fastnacht for 25cents and a cup of coffee for 5cents.
PHOTO COURTESY OF BOYERTOWN MUSEUM OF HISTORIC VEHICLES The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles will open Fegely’s Reading Diner for Fastnacht Day on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 10a.m. to 1 p.m. Purchase a fastnacht for 25cents and a cup of coffee for 5cents.

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