The Boyertown Area Times

Die Hensching (Gloves)

- By Mary Laub Mary Laub, of Maxatawny, is the author of the “On the Farm” series written in Pa Dutch with phonetic spelling and English translatio­n.

Ich hab unnerschit­tiche Hensching as ich fer unnerschit­tliche Arewet yuus, wie annere Leit. Nau as es Winder iss, hawwich en paar Hensching as aus dick Ledder gemacht iss. Ich yuus sie wann ich mit Holtz schaff. Mer hawwe en Holzoffe fer unser Haus hitze. So brauche mer viel Holz. Wann ich mei Ledderhens­ching net waer wann ich Holz handle, duhne mei Hend Weh un ich grick Schliffer!

(I have different kinds of gloves for various uses, as most folks do. Now that it is winter I have a pair of gloves that is made from thick leather. I use them when I work with wood. We have a woodstove to heat our house. So we need a lot of wood. When I don’t wear my leather gloves when I handle wood, my hands hurt and I get splinters!)

Im Winder sin die Henshing wichdich abbadich weil es kalt iss draus. Meini henn en weech fusserich Duch drin un bhalde mei Hend waarem!

(In winter gloves are important especially because it’s cold outside. Mine have a soft, fuzzy lining inside and keep my hands warm!)

Ich meind wann ich en yung Maedel waar, hawwich Fauschthen­shing viel Zeide gewore un net Hensching.

Sie waare leicht fer aaduh- yuscht vier Finger zamme un dann mei Daume. Awwer ich hab aa Hensching abbadich ghat fer wann ich in die Karich gange bin. Ya, viele Yaahre zerick henn Maed un Fraa Hensching fer Karich un fer annere abbadiche Zeide gewore! Sie waare die menscht Zeit weiss odder schwaatz. Meine waare allsfatt weiss.

(I remember when I was a young girl, I wore mittens many times and not gloves. They were easy to put on — just four fingers together and then my thumb. But I also had gloves especially for when I went to church. Yes, many years ago girls and women wore gloves to church and for other special occasions. They were mostly white or black. Mine were always white.)

Dann gebt’s aa dinne Gammhensch­ing. Die Medical Personnel duhne die en lot waere. Sie sin wichdich abbadich sidder die COVID Pandemic. Ich waer dicke Gammhensch­ing wann ich Gscharr wesch odder es Haus butz so as mei Hend net so drucke warre un noh Weh duhne.

(Then there are also thin rubber gloves. Medical personnel wear these a lot. They are especially important since the COVID pandemic. I wear heavier rubber gloves when I wash dishes or clean the house so that my hands do not get dry and then hurt.)

Ich wees as die Leit as die Maschiene schtarrick faahre misse Hensching waere weil es helft sie besser fescht nemme am Schteierra­ad un vielleicht der Lauf gewinne! Viele annere Leit waere Hensching fer faahre awwer die menscht Zeit waer ich Hensching fer faahre yuscht im Winder fer mei Hend waarm bhalde.

(I know that race car drivers must wear gloves because it helps them grasp the steering wheel better and perhaps win the race! Many other people wear gloves for driving but mostly I wear gloves for driving only in winter to keep my hands warm.)

Viel Zeide Leit as Bicycles faahre waere aa Hensching fer besser der Henkbar halt nemme. Un schier gaar all die Leit as Sports schpiele duhne Hensching waere -Fussballsc­hpieler, Baseballes­chpieler, Golfers, Boxers, un annere.

(Many times people who ride bicycles also wear gloves to better grasp the handle bars. And almost all the people who play sports wear gloves-football players, baseball players, golfers, boxers and others.)

Nau denke viele Yaahre zerick- zerick zum 16t Yaahrhunne­rt. Viele Leit henn Handmuffs geyuust un net Hensching! Meindscht

du sie?? Allebeed Mannsleit un Weibsleit henn Handmuffs geyuust. Sie gucke nix wie Hensching awwer waare ganz waarm! En Handmuff guckt wie en glee Fass as mer vannedraa an sich heebt. Ich hab eens vun selli ghat wann ich en Kind waar. Awwer ee Ding as ich wege de Handmuff net gleich, iss wann du dei Hend ausnemmsch­t, warre dei Finger kalt! Ich denk deel Yunge wisse net was en Handmuff iss. So hawwich gedenkt…ich waar wunnerfitz­ich eb du kannscht en Handmuff Heitesdaag kaafe. Un rod mol? Ich hab an der Internet gsucht. Ya, ich hab sie gfunne un du kannscht sie kaafe!

(Now think back many years ago-back to the 16th century. Many people used handmuffs and not gloves! Do you remember them?? Both men and women used handmuffs. They look nothing like gloves but they are very warm! A handmuff looks like a small barrel that you hold in front of yourself. I had one of these when I was a child. But one thing that I did not like about the handmuff is when you take your hands out, your fingers would get cold! I think that some youth don’t know what a handmuff is. So I thought… I was curious if you can buy a handmuff today. And guess what? I searched on the internet. Yes,I found them and you can buy them!)

So wie alt sin Hensching? Eens vun de friehscht

Hensching as du sehne kannscht sin in der Pikturs zerick in Ancient Egypt Zeide! So Hensching sin ganz alt!

(So how old are gloves? One of the earliest gloves that you can see are in the pictures back in Ancient Egypt times! So gloves are very old!)

Die Leit weare Hensching fer Verwaahrin­g. Deel sin aus Gedierehau­t un Bels gemacht.

Meine Hensching sin aus Ledder, Gamm, un Baawoll gemacht. Der anner Daag hawwich darich mei Henschingh­aufe geguckt un hab mei Gaardehens­ching gsehne! Ich kann net waarde fer mei Winder Hensching weck duh un mei Gaardehens­ching widder yuuse! Vielleicht du aa.

(People wear gloves for protection. Some are made from animal skins and fur. My gloves are made from leather, rubber and cloth. The other day I looked through my pile of gloves and saw my garden gloves!

I can not wait to put away my winter gloves and use my garden gloves again! Perhaps you too.)

Noch eppes — Vun ee Source- es Watt ‘Hensching’ kummt aus der Deutsch Watt ‘Handschuh.’ Sell iss eppes! En Schuh fer die Hand!

(Something else- According to one source-the word ‘glove’ comes from the German word ‘hand shoe’. That is something! A shoe for the hand!)

Bis schpeeder… (Until later)…

Yuscht es Bauereimae­del aus Kutzeschte­ddel, die Mary Laub

(Just the farm girl from Kutztown, Mary Laub)

Sources: and blogs/heritage-timeline/ the-history-of-gloves

 ?? PHOTO BY LISA MITCHELL — MEDIANEWS GROUP ?? Mary Laub, of Maxatawny, is the author of the “On the Farm” series written in Pa Dutch with phonetic spelling and English translatio­n.
PHOTO BY LISA MITCHELL — MEDIANEWS GROUP Mary Laub, of Maxatawny, is the author of the “On the Farm” series written in Pa Dutch with phonetic spelling and English translatio­n.

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