The Bergen Record

Paterson reverses unpopular transfers of school principals

- Joe Malinconic­o

PATERSON — Facing opposition from parents and teachers, city education officials have revised their plans to transfer school principals for the approachin­g school year.

Some of the most unpopular moves — including removing Ramona Garcia from School 15, Bridget Naveira from Roberto Clemente School, and Lolita Vaughan from School 10 — have been scrapped.

The district still is transferri­ng seven of its principals to different schools, including switches at Paterson’s two largest high schools: Eastside and John F. Kennedy. But those moves have not come under widespread fire in recent weeks as news of the impending changes spread through the city.

Dozens of parents and teachers from Schools 10 and 15 and Roberto Clemente have reached out to Board of Education members, district officials and the news media to say removing their principals would undermine progress at those buildings.

The school board discussed the principal changes during a closed session at its meeting Wednesday night and then came out in public to vote on the transfers. But board members and the district then waited more than 18 hours after the vote to make public the list of changes.

“The reassignme­nt of principals is a decision made with the utmost care and considerat­ion,” Superinten­dent Laurie Newell said in a press release issued Thursday afternoon. “Our goal is to align leadership strengths with the specific needs of each school, ensuring that every student has access to the best possible educationa­l environmen­t.

“These reassignme­nts are not only aimed at addressing current challenges but also at fostering long-term success for our students and school communitie­s,” Newell added.

The district’s press release did not mention the proposed transfers that were canceled, nor did the district provide an explanatio­n for why it backtracke­d on the unpopular changes.

Word that the three popular educators would remain at the same jobs was celebrated among their school communitie­s.

“The decision for Mrs. Garcia to remain as the leader of [School] 15 is a positive reflection that Superinten­dent Newell and the board has listened to the parents, the students and the staff,” said Noreen Veloz, a teacher. “This decision has made all parties, specifical­ly the community, extremely happy and hopeful as Mrs. Garcia ‘s mission for academic excellence will continue to impact all students.”

Here are the principal changes that were approved:

● Edgard Nieves from Eastside High School to School 21.

● Joanne Riviello from School 21 to John F. Kennedy High School.

● Dorothy Douge from School 26 to Kilpatrick elementary school.

● Amod Field from Joseph A. Taub middle school to Adult and Continuing Education.

● Derrick Hoff from Kilpatrick to School 26.

● Rebecca Cecala from Taub middle school to School 5.

● Jorge Ventura from School 5 to Taub.

The district also is shifting six of its vice principals.

“We recognize that change can be challengin­g, but it also presents an opportunit­y for growth and improvemen­t,” Newell said. “The success of our students is our top priority, and we believe these changes will contribute positively to our educationa­l mission.”

 ?? TARIQ ZEHAWI/NORTHJERSE­Y.COM FILE PHOTO ?? “The reassignme­nt of principals is a decision made with the utmost care and considerat­ion,” Superinten­dent Laurie Newell said in a press release issued Thursday afternoon.
TARIQ ZEHAWI/NORTHJERSE­Y.COM FILE PHOTO “The reassignme­nt of principals is a decision made with the utmost care and considerat­ion,” Superinten­dent Laurie Newell said in a press release issued Thursday afternoon.

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