The Bergen Record

Cannabis sales part of Teaneck master plan

Hearing, vote eyed for board meeting

- Marsha A. Stoltz

TEANECK – Allowing cannabis businesses in the township is among the changes proposed in an updated master plan draft scheduled for a public hearing and possible vote at a special Planning Board meeting on Aug. 19.

The last significan­t changes made to the township’s master plan involved the controvers­ial December 2021 amendments facilitati­ng the complete overhaul and expansion of the Holy Name hospital complex.

No similar proposal is contained in the 2024 draft.

Without a red-line copy to determine what is changing, residents will have to read carefully to determine whether any change of direction is cause for concern.

A master plan is each municipali­ty’s primary policy document on which its governing body and planning and zoning boards rely in making decisions about how and where developmen­t and preservati­on are permitted to take place within its borders.

The draft makes recommenda­tions in four areas: land use, economic developmen­t, historic preservati­on and mobility.

Among the recommenda­tions are:

● Allow cannabis businesses in locations and with conditions that minimize adverse impacts.

● Amend zoning code to permit “accessory dwelling units,” such as apartments over garages, in the R-S, R-M, and B-R zones.

● Increase permitted building height for multi-use residentia­l and mixed-use buildings in business districts.

● Allow places of religious assembly, schools and private educationa­l services in commercial areas, along arterial roadways and in industrial areas of the L-1 zone.

● Allow multiple principal uses and structures within each of the subdivisio­ns of the hospital zone.

● Allow a wider variety of uses in the university zone.

● Support a phased developmen­t approach or a general developmen­t plan to allow Fairleigh Dickinson University to adapt and remain in Teaneck.

The meeting will take place in the Teaneck Public Library conference room, 840 Teaneck Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Aug. 19.

The documents are available for personal inspection at the office of the Planning Board secretary in Township Hall, 818 Teaneck Road, during business hours.

The 143-page draft document is posted on the township’s website,, under Teaneck Master Plan 2024 Update.

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