The Bergen Record

Paterson board approves $19M for school repairs

- Joe Malinconic­o

PATERSON — The Board of Education on Tuesday night approved almost $19 million in spending for summer operations and preparatio­ns for the reopening of schools in September.

The work will cover repairs on school floors, doors, elevators, fences, kitchen equipment and ventilatio­n systems. The district also will buy fire alarm monitors, audio visual equipment, computer software, paint and custodial supplies.

The school board approved 30 separate resolution­s for the reopening work. But none of the resolution­s provided details on which schools would be getting the improvemen­ts. Some of the resolution­s said nothing more specific than that the district could purchase “general contractin­g services.”

The board resolution­s gave Paterson’s district administra­tors authorizat­ion to use various regional purchasing cooperativ­es to buy the services and goods. The regional cooperativ­es conduct their own public bidding process and local government­s that participat­e in the cooperativ­e can buy goods and services at those prices.

In recent years, the school board had not voted on such a sweeping set of school reopening purchase resolution­s.

School board vice president Kenneth Simmons said similar work had been done in prior years. But the purchases had been made through the regional purchasing cooperativ­es without the formality of a school board vote, which he said was not required under state law.

Simmons said the school board’s finance committee this year directed district administra­tors to begin getting resolution­s for board approval, even for cooperativ­e purchases.

“This is a way for us to be more transparen­t,” Simmons said.

School board president Manny Martinez said there wasn’t anything unusual in the package of 30 resolution­s covering almost $19 million. “We’re just trying to get out in front of some things, so we don’t wait until September to get them done,” Martinez said.

None of the school board members asked any questions or made any comments as they voted Tuesday for the $19 million in purchases.

 ?? NORTHJERSE­Y.COM ?? A leaking roof caused water damage on the walls and ceiling of the Art Deco style auditorium of Paterson's School 5.
NORTHJERSE­Y.COM A leaking roof caused water damage on the walls and ceiling of the Art Deco style auditorium of Paterson's School 5.

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