The Bergen Record

Income needed for renters increases

In NJ, $100K a year to meet median monthly cost of $2,500

- Maddie McGay

The rate at which rental prices have increased across the nation has began to slow, but the annual income renters need to make to comfortabl­y afford their rental has seen a significan­t increase.

In April, rent prices grew by 0.6% month over month, or 3.6% from last year, slower than the 0.7% month-overmonth average seen this time of year prior to the pandemic, according to Zillow’s April 2024 Rental Market Report. This has resulted in a typical rent price of $1,997 nationwide.

It is recommende­d that renters spend no more than 30% of their annual income on rent. So, at that rental price, a renter needs to make $79,889 annually to comfortabl­y afford the cost — a 3.7% increase from the $58,692 annual salary needed to afford the typical national rent five years ago, according to the report.

Currently, the median United States household would spend 29.2% of their income on a new rental in April, according to the report. While this is still lower than the recommende­d 30%, it is an increase from 29.1% in March and from 27.6% before the pandemic.

In the New York metropolit­an area — which the report said is one of the least affordable metropolit­an areas for renters — households spend about 39.8% of their annual income on rent, a 4.2% increase from 2023.

At that rate, renters here must make an annual income of $131,411 to afford the median monthly rent of about $3,285.

And, in New Jersey, the median monthly rent is $2,500, meaning renters need to make about $100,000 annually to afford it. This is a 4.38% increase from this time last year, when renters needed to make $95,800 annually to afford the median monthly rent of $2,395.

Here’s a look at the annual income needed to comfortabl­y afford the median rent in the country’s 50 largest metropolit­an areas:

● San Jose, Calif. - $132,819

● New York City - $131, 411

● Boston - $123,269

● San Francisco - $121,595

● San Diego - $119,559

● Los Angeles - $116,795

● Miami - $111,633

● Riverside, Calif. - $101,031

● Washington, D.C, - $93,570

● Sacramento, Calif. - $91,334

● Seattle - $88,422

● Tampa, Fla. - $83,889

● Chicago - $82,889

● Orlando, Fla. - $81,947

● Providence - $81,896

● Denver - $81,848

● Atlanta - $77,133

● Nashville, Tenn. - $76,343

● Phoenix - $75,478

● Philadelph­ia - $74,292

● Portland, Ore. - $73,191

● Baltimore - $72,436

● Hartford, Conn. - $72,196

● Las Vegas - $71,653

● Charlotte, N.C. - $71,428

● Austin, Tex. - $71,282

● Dallas - $70,848

● Raleigh, N.C. - $70,835

● Jacksonvil­le, Fla. - $69,746

● Virginia Beach, Va. - $68,262

● Salt Lake City - $68,262

● Houston - $67,700

● Minneapoli­s, Minn. - $66,956

● New Orleans - $66,572

● Richmond, Va. - $65,845

● Indianapol­is - $62,692

● Columbus, Ohio - $60,337

● Cincinnati - $59,997

● San Antonio, Tex. - $59,088

● Memphis, Tenn. - $57,921

● Kansas City, Mo. - $57,811

● Detroit - $57,447

● Pittsburgh - $56,764

● Birmingham, Ala. - $56,664

● Louisville, Ky. - $56,104

● St. Louis, Mo. - $55,682

● Cleveland - $55,629

● Milwaukee, Wis. - $54,567

● Oklahoma City - $53,713

● Buffalo, N.Y. - $53,664

Maddie McGay is the real estate reporter for NorthJerse­ and The Record. Find her on Instagram @maddiemcga­y, on X @maddiemcga­yy , and sign up for her North Jersey Living newsletter. Do you have a tip, trend or terrific house she should know about? Email her at MMcGay@gannett.

 ?? BRANDPOINT ?? Renters needed to make nearly $80,000 annually to afford the country’s median monthly rent in April.
BRANDPOINT Renters needed to make nearly $80,000 annually to afford the country’s median monthly rent in April.

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