The Bergen Record

This online game can give you interior design inspiratio­n

- Maddie McGay

If you’re looking for interior design inspiratio­n for your home, but aren’t quite sure what style you like best, there’s a solution for you.

Redecor is an interior design simulation game where players can develop their interior design skills and explore different design styles. Players can design different types of photoreali­stic rooms, like bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens and offices, with more than 4,000 different materials and décor items, often mimicking today’s current interior design trends.

“We provide different styles and themes, and we really want to make sure that there’s something for everyone,” said Aino Heinäsuo, head of design at Redecor. “We want to make sure that anyone can find things they like and create their own dream designs, or whatever it is they want to create.”

What is the game like?

Redecor features different type of game modes, including casual designing on your own, or creating designs to compete against other players, Heinäsuo said.

In the game’s live design mode — which is where you can compete with other players — each person designs the same type of room in their own style. Players are then put together in groups of ten, where they can vote for their favorite designs. Based on the voting results, the designs are ranked between first and tenth place, and the players with the top designs earn rewards — tokens — to get more design materials and items.

Heinäsuo said that each player has a designer status, and can work their way up by winning competitio­ns against other players. She said players can tier up, with legend design status being the highest tier.

How does the game use current design trends?

Redecor has a large amount of design choices already available on the platform, and new rooms are added daily, Heinäsuo said. Because of this, there is always something available that goes along with current interior design trends.

“Obviously when we have a lot of materials in the game, you are able to find colors or textures or patterns that are trending at the moment,” she said. “So, we offer a good variety of content so you can always play around and try different designs.”

Heinäsuo said Redecor also has seasons, which highlight a different design style or theme each month. For January, she said their theme is wabi-sabi — a Japanese design style that combines neutral color palettes, open floor plans and natural textures.

“That was one of the design trends that was forecasted to be a trend in 2024, so it was very accurate here at the beginning of the year,” she said. “We offered a comprehens­ive overview of the wabi-sabi aesthetic to players by offering rooms and materials that follow this style.”

In addition to items that follow current design trends, Heinäsuo said they also like to incorporat­e content that can always be used, regardless of what’s trending. She said that because trends come and go all the time, Redecor also features materials and items that timeless and will always stay in style.

How can I use it for inspiratio­n in my own home?

Heinäsuo said the game offers a variety of different rooms for players to design, like luxury apartments, cozy bedrooms and formal offices, so players can find a space most similar to theirs. Then, they can play around with all of the different design elements in the game to find their style, without actually having to commit to it in their own homes just yet.

“Let’s say you want to find inspiratio­n for your own home. I’m quite sure that you can find a similar type of room in the game, and you can design it and get the inspiratio­n through mixing and matching materials, textures and patterns to try and see what works,” she said. “You can educate yourself on what you like and test your skills at the same time.”

Maddie McGay is the real estate reporter for NorthJerse­ and The Record, covering all things worth celebratin­g about living in North Jersey. Find her on Instagram @maddiemcga­y, on X @maddiemcga­yy , and sign up for her North Jersey Living newsletter. Do you have a tip, trend or terrific house she should know about? Email her at

 ?? PHOTOS COURTESY OF REDECOR ?? Redecor is an online interior design game where players can explore their style and compete against others.
PHOTOS COURTESY OF REDECOR Redecor is an online interior design game where players can explore their style and compete against others.
 ?? ?? Redecor is an online interior design game where players can explore their style and compete against others.
Redecor is an online interior design game where players can explore their style and compete against others.

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