The Bergen Record

Put Fetterman on trail to boost Kim’s Senate campaign

- Your Turn Alan J. Steinberg Guest columnist

Once upon a time, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, there were two U.S. senators representi­ng the state of Minnesota: Eugene McCarthy and Hubert Humphrey. Together, they formed a partnershi­p, constituti­ng the quintessen­ce of Democratic Party populism of their era.

McCarthy and Humphrey had different styles of populistic outreach. McCarthy’s appeal was based on his reflective intellectu­al erudition. This enabled him to generate enthusiasm, even adulation, among suburban liberal and young voters.

Humphrey’s optimism and passion made him a favorite of urban voters and ethnic minorities, particular­ly Jews and African Americans.

By 1964, both Humphrey and McCarthy were so effective as senators, politicall­y and government­ally, that they each were under considerat­ion by Lyndon Johnson for his vice presidenti­al running mate. After the Johnson administra­tion escalated American involvemen­t in Vietnam in 1965, the McCarthy-Humphrey alliance dissolved, with McCarthy opposing the war and Humphrey, now vice president, defending administra­tion policy.

A new alliance is emerging

An alliance is now occurring in the election of 2024 that is reminiscen­t of the Humphrey-McCarthy partnershi­p, namely between New Jersey Rep. Andy Kim and Pennsylvan­ia Sen. John Fetterman. Fetterman has endorsed Kim in the 2024 New Jersey primary for the Democratic U.S. Senate nomination.

Kim exemplifies the style of Gene McCarthy. Fetterman projects the optimism of Humphrey, albeit without Hubert’s

ever-present smile.

Fetterman’s optimism is a product of his successful battle against depression. This personal victory, along with his iconoclasm, including his insistence on constant casual dress and willingnes­s to take positions independen­t of those of his former Democratic progressiv­e allies, has made Fetterman a subject of national favorable publicity. The question for these two political partners is how John can best benefit the Kim senatorial campaign.

Certainly, Fetterman will be involved with fundraisin­g, where he has the status of being a “star” attraction. Yet in my view, it is more important for Kim that Fetterman personally campaign for him among two constituen­cies where Andy needs help: 1. Urban voters, particular­ly African American, Hispanic and white working-class families, and 2. Jewish voters.

Kim’s opponent, New Jersey first lady Tammy Murphy, currently maintains an advantage with these constituen­cies, and anything Fetterman can do to help close the gap for Kim could significantly enhance his victory chances.

I grew up in Western Pennsylvan­ia, not far from Braddock, where Fetterman was mayor. Having lived in my youth among working-class voters, I fully understand how Fetterman’s style resonates deeply with them. Kim’s style, while not offensive to urban workingcla­ss voters, is more appealing to suburbanit­es. A few Fetterman appearance­s in New Jersey urban working-class areas could add rocket fuel to the Kim campaign.

How will New Jersey Jews vote?

For the most part, the New Jersey Jewish community is undecided between Murphy and Kim. Since he was elected to the House of Representa­tives in 2018, Kim has been a consistent supporter of American assistance to Israel‘s Iron Dome, an air defense system against rockets using radar and intercepto­r missiles. He also has been an unequivoca­l supporter of Israel since the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7, 2023.

Yet doubts persist in the Jewish community about Kim due to two factors in his past record regarding the AmericanIs­rael alliance. The first was the support he received in his successful 2018 campaign from J Street, an organizati­on viewed at that time among many Jews as basically a Jewish appeasemen­t lobby. The second was his position regarding the 2021 hostilitie­s between Israel and Hamas, a position that can best be described as “moral equivalenc­e.”

Fetterman is now receiving fervent support from Jews nationally, because of his express outspoken repudiatio­n of his erstwhile progressiv­e Democratic allies on two issues: Israel and immigratio­n. If he assures Jewish New Jersey voters that Kim can be trusted to be a friend of Israel, this will go a long way in assuaging Jewish concerns about Kim and undoubtedl­y will increase his Jewish support.

All things considered, the endorsemen­t of Kim by Fetterman is a potentiall­y powerful asset to the Kim campaign. It is not hyperbole to suggest that the outcome of the Murphy-Kim primary contest may well be determined by how effectively this asset is used.

All things considered, the endorsemen­t of (Andy) Kim by (John) Fetterman is a potentiall­y powerful asset to the Kim campaign.

Alan J. Steinberg of Highland Park served as administra­tor of Region 2 of the U.S. Environmen­tal Protection Agency in the administra­tion of former President George W. Bush and executive director of the New Jersey Meadowland­s Commission. He is a graduate of Northweste­rn University and the University of Wisconsin Law School.

 ?? ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES ?? U.S. Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., has endorsed Rep. Andy Kim in the Democratic primary for the seat held by Sen. Bob Menendez.
ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES U.S. Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., has endorsed Rep. Andy Kim in the Democratic primary for the seat held by Sen. Bob Menendez.
 ?? CHARLES STILE/NORTHJERSE­Y.COM ?? Kim, D-Burlington, makes his pitch as a Senate candidate this month. He may struggle with urban and Jewish constituen­cies.
CHARLES STILE/NORTHJERSE­Y.COM Kim, D-Burlington, makes his pitch as a Senate candidate this month. He may struggle with urban and Jewish constituen­cies.

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