The Bergen Record

This sandwich might be the best thing we ever ate

- Kara VanDooijew­eert

Good news, North Jersey Eaters: temperatur­es are rising next week!

According to the weather app, we’re looking at upper 50s on Tuesday and even lower 60s by Wednesday. And, after that? It’s 50 and above for as far as the 10-day forecast allows us to see.

Now, if you’re anything like me, those (relatively) smoking days have you already thinking about the bustling boardwalks of the Jersey shore, Fourth of July barbecues and late night — every night — ice cream runs. Crab fries fill your daydreams, and you fall asleep to visions of Kohr’s soft-serve twists slowly melting down the sides of delicate wafer cones.

Those days are coming, folks.

But, until it’s officially funnel cake season? Here are five outstandin­g dishes to help you brave the last few weeks of winter.

The ‘Hungry Reporter,’ Steve’s Burgers

Burger master Steve Chrisomali­s really outdid himself when I visited his locally-famous hole-in-the-wall this week. True to his reputation, he served me some of the rarest, juiciest, melt-inyour-mouth beef around — but, the thing is, it wasn’t even a burger.

It was a drippy, sloppy roast beef sandwich.

Called the “Hungry Reporter” (and invented specifically for us at northjerse­, the massive handheld is a seasonal special featuring house-made roast beef, au jus and mozzarella on a toasty garlic bun. In each truly euphoric bite, the meat juice soaks the bread, the cheese oozes from every crevice and the slow-cooked beef is so tender you barely need to chew it.

Addictivel­y salty, indulgentl­y fatty and as satisfying­ly messy as possible (all in a good way), there’s not one thing I would’ve changed about this sandwich.

Because, when I looked down at the buttery garlic roll nearly disintegra­ting into the hot au jus? I was damn near convinced it was the best thing I’ve ever ate.

Go: 506 Route 46, Garfield; 973-7721770,­ers_.

Pork Ribs, Viaggio

Any time the skilled team of chefs at Wayne Italian powerhouse Viaggio touch pork, it simply turns to gold. From porchetta to sausage ragu, the spot has become nearly synonymous with perfectly-cooked pig — and the restaurant’s latest seasonal entrée, the Berkshire pork ribs, are no exception.

Dusted with a Tuscan rub and infused with spices, each rib is tender and flavorful as it falls off the bone. Arugula dresses the top of the meat, and crispy potato fritti lies beneath it. Some sort of sauce, that was rich and creamy, is spread upon each rib, but, to be honest? I kind of forgot what it was. I do remember, however, that is was my favorite part of the dish.

Though I’d love it to be Memorial Day already, I’m not ready to trade these winter showstoppe­rs for the overcooked ribs of backyard barbecues — so hopefully they stick around through the summer.

Go: 1055 Hamburg Tpke, Wayne; 973706-7277, viaggioris­

Chicken, Bacon, Ranch Square Pizza; Squared

Chicken, bacon, ranch is the best pizza flavor, hands-down. So, when my friends at Squared — a social mediafamou­s ghost kitchen in Elmwood Park — invited me back in for a visit, my conditions were clear:


As long as we were making that cheesy, gooey, crispy, tri-colored salt bomb.

They agreed, and it was every bit as delicious as it sounds.

Go: 246 Market St., Elmwood Park (INSIDE Francesca Pizza); 201-3006797,

Eggplant Cacio e Pepe, Sirenetta

I loved recently-opened antipasto bar Ombra when I visited it last month, so I was super excited to try out its sister restaurant, Sirenetta, in Hoboken this week. The spot is similar in the sense that it boasts fantastic small plates and drinks, but — rather than cured meats and aged cheeses — its menu centers around seafood.

Ironically, however, the dish I enjoyed the most didn’t contain fish at all. Called Eggplant Cacio e Pepe, it was a play on the classic Italian “cheese and pepper” pasta.

Featuring golden, al dente spaghetti noodles covered in a decadent parmesan sauce, the outwardly familiar meal was made unique with a rim of a puréed of eggplant added around the pasta. Similar to a baba ganoush (but darker in color), the moist addition made the already-creamy creation even more indulgent. Go: 1039 Washington St., Hoboken; 201-683-9900, sirenettah­

Pepperoni-Stuffed Garlic Knots, Hold My Knots

If there were a college course on how to make better garlic knots, Hold My Knots would be teaching it.

And they’d be telling the kids to stuff them with pepperoni and cheese.

Go: 134 Broadway, Hillsdale; 201-6660706, holdmyknot­

Hungry for more?

Want more on this week’s latest food news? Check out some of my best articles at NorthJerse­, or keep up with me on Instagram.

And, as for next week, I’ll be checking out yet another version of one of you guys’ favorite dishes: the crispy chicken sandwich.

So, if you’re part of the Chick-fil-A generation? Be sure to follow me @northjerse­yeats to see if the pankocrust­ed patty is all its hyped up to be.

Kara VanDooijew­eert is a food writer for NorthJerse­ and The Record. If you can’t find her in Jersey’s best restaurant­s, she’s probably off running a race course in the mountains. Catch her on Instagram: @karanicole­v & @northjerse­yeats , and sign up for her North Jersey Eats newsletter .

 ?? KARA VANDOOIJEW­EERT PHOTOS/NORTHJERSE­Y.COM ?? Chicken, bacon and ranch square pizza from Squared.
KARA VANDOOIJEW­EERT PHOTOS/NORTHJERSE­Y.COM Chicken, bacon and ranch square pizza from Squared.
 ?? ?? A pepperoni-stuffed garlic knot from Hold My Knots.
A pepperoni-stuffed garlic knot from Hold My Knots.
 ?? ?? The Hungry Reporter roast beef sandwich at Steve’s Burgers.
The Hungry Reporter roast beef sandwich at Steve’s Burgers.

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