The Bergen Record

North Jersey Democratic leaders endorse Pascrell’s bid

- Joe Malinconic­o Email: editor@patersonpr­

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. has a clear path to run for reelection as the Democratic candidate in the 9th Congressio­nal District.

Democratic Party leaders in Bergen, Hudson and Passaic counties on Saturday announced their endorsemen­ts of Pascrell, who first won election to Congress in 1996 and is serving his 28th year in the House of Representa­tives.

It’s not clear yet who the Republican candidate will be. In the past two elections, the GOP challenger was Billy Prempeh from Paterson. Pascrell beat Prempeh by more than 100,000 votes in 2020, but the gap between the two men narrowed to 17,000 votes in 2022.

Pascrell could still face a challenge in the June Democratic primary. But he would have the partyline backing and a huge fundraisin­g advantage over any would-be challenger.

Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh had been weighing a run against Pascrell in the primary, but he announced last week that he would not seek the 9th District seat this year. Assemblywo­man Shavonda Sumter also had expressed her interest in getting the backing of the Bergen and Passaic Democrats. But Pascrell got the backing on Saturday from the Passaic Democrats’ screening committee.

“Congressma­n Pascrell embodies the very best of leadership: integrity, authentici­ty, loyalty and a tireless commitment to fighting for his constituen­ts,” said Bergen Democratic Chairman Paul Juliano.

Pascrell, who lives in Paterson and was the city’s mayor in the 1990s, turned 87 in January. If he won reelection, he would be the oldest member of the House and the second-oldest person in Congress.

“Bill Pascrell is a fighter for the American people,” said Passaic County Democratic Chairman John Currie. “Bill Pascrell has come through for our communitie­s when we have needed help and delivered.”

 ?? USA TODAY FILE PHOTO ?? If Rep. Bill Pascrell wins reelection, he will be the oldest member of the House and the second-oldest person in Congress.
USA TODAY FILE PHOTO If Rep. Bill Pascrell wins reelection, he will be the oldest member of the House and the second-oldest person in Congress.

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