The Bergen Record

Headlines from The Record, Feb. 12, 1975

- Ford frees road aid

President Ford has ordered $2 billion in impounded highway funds released to spur 125,000 or more jobs in the constructi­on industry. The funds — distribute­d on a matching basis that requires states also to contribute — are part of approximat­ely $11.1 billion in highway money appropriat­ed by Congress impounded, since 1966, by Presidents Johnson and Nixon. It was not immediatel­y known how much money New Jersey would get.

Woman wins Tory vote

Margaret Thatcher, an unlikely revolution­ary campaignin­g under a banner of middleclas­s virtues and homilies, yesterday became the leader of Britain’s Conservati­ve party. She thus represents a dramatic milestone in the long, tumultuous history of British parliament­ary politics. She is the first woman leader of a major British party and is poised on a springboar­d that could make her the nation’s first woman prime minister.

Drilling proposal argued

Four days of public hearings on the Ford Administra­tion’s plan to accelerate offshore oil and gas developmen­t opened yesterday with a day-long confrontat­ion between Interior Department officials and leaders of coastal states and environmen­tal groups. Led by New Jersey Gov. [Brendan] Byrne, officials of coastal states and environmen­talists charged that the federal government is rushing blindly ahead with an ill-conceived scheme that would give 10 million acres of publicly owned natural resources to the oil companies with little or no regard for the environmen­t or for the interest of the coastal states.

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