The Bergen Record

Sumter interested in Congress; Sayegh won’t challenge Pascrell

- Joe Malinconic­o Joe Malinconic­o is editor of Paterson Press. Email: editor@patersonpr­

PATERSON — Assemblywo­man Shavonda Sumter on Monday positioned herself for a possible run for Congress, while Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh revealed he has ended his months-long flirtation with challengin­g 87-year-old incumbent Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr.

Sumter said she submitted letters to the Bergen and Passaic county Democratic committees expressing her interest in interviewi­ng for the 9th District congressio­nal seat. Pascrell, a 27-year congressio­nal veteran, currently holds the seat and is running for reelection.

Sumter said the letters she sent to party leaders on Monday should not be seen as a sign of disapprova­l of Pascrell, saying she holds him “in high regard” and will support him again if he gets the party endorsemen­t.

Pascrell has come under increasing criticism from Paterson’s Palestinia­n community over his reluctance to call for a cease-fire in the Middle East.

The Pascrell camp has spent the past year fending off speculatio­n about a primary challenge from Sayegh, and seemed to have clear sailing when the mayor disclosed Monday that he would not run against his former political mentor.

But the clear sailing for Pascrell was short-lived with the emergence of Sumter as a possible candidate.

Passaic County Democrats’ screening committee is scheduled to hold interviews with prospectiv­e candidates for Congress and county commission­er on Saturday.

The deadline for submitting letters of interest for the screening was Jan. 26. But party leaders said the cutoff date was “an internal” one and that Sumter would be allowed to participat­e in the process.

Sumter has served as a member of the New Jersey Assembly for more than 12 years. Her counterpar­t in the 35th Legislativ­e District, Benjie Wimberly, often has been mentioned as a possible candidate for Congress. But Wimberly has said he would not seek the job as long as Pascrell wants to hold on to it.

Sayegh on Monday afternoon confirmed that he has not submitted candidacy letters seeking party-line endorsemen­ts from the Democratic committees in Bergen and Passaic counties.

Sayegh told Paterson Press he won’t be making a bid for Pascrell’s seat in the June Democratic primary. The mayor declined to discuss that decision. He said he is “more interested” in Paterson’s upcoming City Council elections in May.

Political insiders have been pointing to Sayegh’s presence at local political events in Bergen County as evidence of the mayor’s congressio­nal ambitions. During that time, Sayegh himself would neither confirm nor deny whether he was going to oppose Pascrell.

Some of his supporters conducted a poll in January looking at Sayegh’s chances if he took on the 27-year incumbent, who once was among his political mentors. But no one has released the results of that polling.

Democratic Party insiders in recent weeks have said privately that they did not expect Sayegh to enter the congressio­nal race, noting that he had not started raising money to run for federal office.

“Our democracy is beautiful because anyone can seek to serve,” Pascrell said. “As always, I am running 120% to make the case directly to all our neighbors. I will put my record fighting for the 9th District and North Jersey against anybody.“

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