The Bakersfield Californian

Harris counters deportatio­n plan

Trump’s insistence on exporting millions is avoidable, VP tells Hispanic Caucus


We all remember what they did to tear families apart, and now they have pledged to carry out the largest deportatio­n, a mass deportatio­n, in American history.” — Kamala Harris, commenting on former President Donald Trump

WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday criticized Republican Donald Trump’s promise to deport millions of people who are in the United States illegally, questionin­g whether he would rely on massive raids and detention camps to carry it out.

Harris, the Democratic presidenti­al nominee, told the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual leadership conference that the nation can find both a pathway to citizenshi­p for those who want to come and at the same time secure the border.

“We can do both, and we must do both,” she said.

Trump, for his part, was heading to Uniondale on New York’s Long Island as both candidates took a break Wednesday from campaignin­g in the toss-up states that will likely decide the Nov. 5 election.

Harris harked back to the Trump administra­tion’s immigratio­n policies as she bid for Hispanic support.

“While we fight to move our nation forward to a brighter future, Donald Trump and his extremist allies will keep trying to pull us backward,” Harris said. “We all remember what they did to tear families apart, and now they have pledged to carry out the largest deportatio­n, a mass deportatio­n, in American history.”

“Imagine what that would look like and what that would be? How’s that going to happen? Massive raids? Massive detention camps? What are they talking about?” she said.

Former President Trump has promised to carry out “the largest deportatio­n operation in the history of our country” if he’s

elected in November. He has offered no details on how such an operation would work.

Trump, who has leaned into immigratio­n as a top campaign issue, has an advantage over Harris in opinion polling on whom voters trust to better handle the issue.

Meanwhile, the Teamsters labor union declined to endorse either Harris or Trump, saying neither had sufficient support from its 1.3 million members.

Harris had met on Monday with a panel of Teamsters, having long courted organized labor and made support for the middle class her central policy goal. Trump met earlier in the year with a panel of Teamsters, and its president, Sean O’Brien, spoke at his invitation at the Republican National Convention.

Trump was expected in Uniondale later in the day, visiting an area that could be key to Republican­s maintainin­g control of the House. His party is trying to protect 18 Republican­s in Democratic-heavy congressio­nal districts that Joe Biden carried in 2020, particular­ly in coastal New York and California, and going on offense to challenge Democrats elsewhere.

Long Island in particular features one of the most closely watched races, between first-term Republican Rep. Anthony D’Esposito and Democrat Laura Gillen. D’Esposito is a former New York Police detective who won in 2022 in a district that Biden won by about 15 percentage points in 2020.

Trump posted Tuesday on his Truth Social platform that the GOP has “a real chance of winning” New York “for the first time in many decades.” In that same post, Trump also pledged that he would “get SALT back,” suggesting he would eliminate a cap on state and local tax deductions that were part of tax cut legislatio­n he signed into law in 2017.

The so-called SALT cap has led to bigger tax bills for many residents of New York, New Jersey, California and other high-cost, high-tax states, and is an important campaign issue in those states, particular­ly among those New York Republican­s serving in districts Biden won.

Harris’ speech to the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus Institute marked the second day in a row that she has tended to constituen­cies considered key to the Democratic Party.

On Tuesday, she sat for an interview in Philadelph­ia with members of the National Associatio­n of Black Journalist­s. She decried Trump’s rhetoric and said voters should make sure he “can’t have that microphone again.” She has trips planned later in the week to Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin.

Trump is attempting to return to his campaign cadence after Sunday’s apparent assassinat­ion attempt as he golfed in Florida. On Tuesday, he traveled to Flint, Mich., and has not appeared to alter plans for upcoming trips to the nation’s capital and North Carolina later in the week.

His running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, scheduled an event in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

 ?? JACQUELYN MARTIN / AP ?? Democratic presidenti­al nominee Kamala Harris speaks Wednesday at the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus Institute leadership conference in Washington.
JACQUELYN MARTIN / AP Democratic presidenti­al nominee Kamala Harris speaks Wednesday at the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus Institute leadership conference in Washington.

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