The Bakersfield Californian

Accomplish­ed in Mission

Land trust keeps units in SF affordable, work begins in Bakersfiel­d


Nine years ago, tenants of the Pigeon Palace on Folsom Street in San Francisco faced a dilemma. Their aging landlord, who had long rented at affordable rates, was unable to continue overseeing the place. Instead a court-appointed conservato­r took steps to auction off the building.

Because Pigeon Palace is in the popular and increasing­ly expensive Mission neighborho­od, the residents feared a new owner might dramatical­ly raise their rents — or kick them out altogether. So they crowdfunde­d $300,000 and gave it to a nonprofit called the San Francisco Community Land Trust, which combined it with loans from a bank and the city to place the winning bid of more than $3 million. The trust then rented units back to the tenants at affordable rates.

Much of the political debate about California’s housing crisis has focused on building new units. But community land trusts, a method of preserving existing affordable housing that dates back to the Civil Rights Movement, have quietly been gaining steam.

The number of community land trusts — nonprofits that buy up land and then sell or rent the buildings on top of it to low-income residents — has tripled in California since 2014, according to the California Community Land Trust Network.

While the housing units that such trusts oversee number only in the low thousands, supporters say the model is cheaper than building new and can help stabilize communitie­s at risk of gentrifica­tion and displaceme­nt. Indigenous tribes, immigrant neighborho­ods and formerly-affordable inland cities are among the communitie­s experiment­ing with community land trusts.

Today, tenants of Pigeon Palace, a six-unit Queen Anne building, pay between $1,400 and $3,000 per month for spacious two-bedroom apartments in one of the pricey city’s most desirable neighborho­ods. They share a bike room and garden with outdoor meeting space and make decisions together about building management.

“We shifted from being renters in a market where someone could buy our building any day, to where no one’s coming to buy our building,” said Keith Hennessy, an experiment­al dance performer who’s lived at the Palace for 22 years. With that stability, he said, “it’s easier to build a family. It’s easier to build community.”

Meanwhile, the San Francisco Community Land Trust has grown to oversee 150 units, including two larger buildings in the Tenderloin district that primarily house Spanish- and Mayan-speaking service workers. Last year, philanthro­pist MacKenzie Scott gave the organizati­on $20 million to expand its portfolio and help incubate new land trusts.

The Bakersfiel­d City Council voted

“We shifted from being renters in a market where someone could buy our building any day, to where no one’s coming to buy our building. It’s easier to build a family. It’s easier to build community.”

— Keith Hennessy, 22-year resident at The Pigeon Palace

last year to create a Community Land Trust.

Community land trusts can oversee single-family homes or multi-unit buildings, and residents can rent or own. When residents own their homes, the trust retains control over the land, leasing it to homeowners long-term and requiring that any home sales be to other low- or moderate-income buyers or back to the trust. Tenants

in multi-unit buildings typically cooperate to manage the property, and sit on the trust’s board.

Rather than just creating new affordable housing, community land trusts help stem the bleed of existing affordable housing being converted to units for wealthier residents. While the trusts are not new in California, concern about growing corporate control of housing and the rising cost of new constructi­on have driven increased interest in the model, experts say.

The California Community Land Trust Network represents 50 establishe­d and emerging trusts across the state, with most of the newest ones springing up in working-class Black and brown communitie­s, according to the network.

“We’re giving control of buildings to the community. We’re taking it off the speculativ­e market and we’re ensuring that tenants can become homeowners if they want to,” said Jessica Melendez, director of policy for TRUST south LA, which recently bought two small multi-unit buildings in gentrifyin­g south LA with the goal of turning them into cooperativ­es.

The organizati­on also owns the Rolland Curtis Gardens, a 140-unit apartment complex with a health clinic and market near the University of Southern California, on a site that was slated for conversion to market-rate housing until the trust purchased and rehabbed it.

“Community land trusts could be a tool to help close the homeowners­hip gap between Black and white individual­s,” said Muhammad Alameldin, a policy associate at UC Berkeley’s Terner Center for Housing Innovation. The constructi­on of condominiu­ms has slowed nationwide in the past 15 years, he said, restrictin­g options for entry-level homeowners who lack generation­al wealth.

But he said community land trusts also have to navigate a financial and legal system that doesn’t tend to favor cooperativ­e ownership.

The challenge of raising capital has constraine­d the growth of community land trusts. They currently house about 3,500 California residents, with most properties consisting of fewer than 10 units.

The movement took a hit this year when California lawmakers seeking to close a budget deficit scrapped a $500 million program that would have given tenants and community land trusts grants to buy properties at risk of foreclosur­e.

Community land trusts are instead turning to local funding streams: A $20 billion affordable housing bond on the ballot in the San Francisco Bay Area this November would set aside $3 billion to preserve existing affordable housing, plus $6 billion for local communitie­s to spend flexibly on priorities including preservati­on. And in Los Angeles, part of the revenue from the city’s “mansion tax” on real estate purchases over $5 million will go toward acquiring and rehabilita­ting affordable housing.

Once concentrat­ed in the Bay Area and LA, community land trusts are spreading to other areas where the cost of living is rising. The Bakersfiel­d City Council voted last year to establish a community land trust; Irvine already has one and Long Beach is considerin­g it.

The fledgling Sacramento Community Land Trust just bought its first property — a garden used by residents transition­ing out of homelessne­ss — where it plans to build tiny homes, said executive director Tamika L’Ecluse.

 ?? BELOW: PHOTOS BY FLORENCE MIDDLETON / CALMATTERS ?? ABOVE: The Pigeon Palace is covered in scaffoldin­g and tarps Thursday in San Francisco.
BELOW: PHOTOS BY FLORENCE MIDDLETON / CALMATTERS ABOVE: The Pigeon Palace is covered in scaffoldin­g and tarps Thursday in San Francisco.
 ?? ?? The entrance to a Pigeon Palace unit on Folsom Street that also is under renovation is shown Thursday.
The entrance to a Pigeon Palace unit on Folsom Street that also is under renovation is shown Thursday.

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