The Bakersfield Californian

Holocaust survivor Goldie Jacoby to speak at CSUB

- BY ESTHER SCHLANGER Esther Schlanger is co-director of the Chabad Jewish Community Center in Bakersfiel­d and The Central Valley Holocaust Memorial.

Behind every Holocaust survivor is an incredible story of determinat­ion, struggle and loss as well as a journey of the triumph of survival. Survivor Goldie Jacoby will share her story with the community on Aug. 25 at Cal State Bakersfiel­d’s Dore Theatre.

Amid rising antisemiti­sm, Holocaust whitewashi­ng and denial rampant in our society, it’s important for people to see someone who lived through it and experience­d the atrocities, said Rabbi Shmuel Schlanger of Chabad of Bakersfiel­d.

“It’s powerful” to hear these stories, Schlanger said. Now more than ever, we must listen carefully to the voices of living survivors of the Shoah.

We must share their stories widely, and use their testimonie­s to teach future generation­s because those who are ignorant of the past are doomed to repeat it.

Jacoby said she has been traveling to schools and communitie­s to share her story for the past 40 years and that the responses she has gotten from students have been “unbelievab­le.”

Jacoby’s presentati­on will be about two hours long as she tells her and her husband’s experience­s during the Holocaust.

When Jacoby was 5 years old, she and the nine other members of her family hid in a small pigsty in Poland for three years and witnessed “unforgetta­ble horrors.”

Schlanger said he hopes Jacoby’s talk will have a positive effect on the community.

“The point is to give a message of hope,” Schlanger said.

Jacoby cited a Jewish phrase and said, “If you save one life, you save the world.” She said that is what she is trying to do when she shares her story.

“That’s what I’m hoping for,” Jacoby said. “That people understand that we must be kind to one another.”

Presented by Chabad of Bakersfiel­d and The Central Valley Holocaust Memorial, “An Evening with Holocaust Survivor Goldie Jacoby” will begin at 5 p.m. Aug. 25 at the theater on the CSUB campus, 9001 Stockdale Highway.

Tickets are $18, $7 for students (ages 13 and older). Visit chabadofba­­by to reserve tickets.

For more informatio­n about the event, email info@chabadofba­ or call 661-834-1512.

 ?? COURTESY OF CHABAD OF BAKERSFIEL­D ?? Holocaust survivor Goldie Jacoby will share her story with the community on Aug. 25 at Cal State Bakersfiel­d’s Dore Theatre.
COURTESY OF CHABAD OF BAKERSFIEL­D Holocaust survivor Goldie Jacoby will share her story with the community on Aug. 25 at Cal State Bakersfiel­d’s Dore Theatre.

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