The Bakersfield Californian

Richardson’s comeback trail leading to Olympics in Paris


Sha’Carri Richardson set the tone for her own comeback story a year ago when she won the 100-meter U.S. title, then the world championsh­ip, and brashly proclaimed: “I’m not back. I’m better.”

Now, with a trip to her first Olympics approachin­g, come new questions: Is she still better than a field of the fastest women on the planet? And can she handle the pressure that is unique to the Olympics?

The 24-year-old favorite in the Olympic 100 meters has been open and honest about her quest to become a more appreciati­ve, mindful version of the person whose positive marijuana test at the 2021 U.S. Olympic trials was her unfortunat­e introducti­on to a world that knew little about her.

But in the three years that have encompasse­d both her stunning fall and her comeback, she has given few details of what happened. She has dropped clues about the death of her biological mother and the bout with depression following that tragedy.

All of this mystery, turmoil and, ultimately, success have made Richardson larger than life and left her enthusiast­ic and growing fan base wanting more. Some on social media are keenly into what hairstyle and fingernail­s she will show off when she runs.

It has also made her more than a mere celebrity sprinter. She is a young, famous, Black woman whose suspension evoked arguments about race, drugs, anti-doping rules and an Olympic ecosphere that is still largely run (and reported on) by older, white men.

“It’s not a goal of mine to be known,” Richardson said. “But I definitely don’t want to be known for one thing. No one does. It’s important for me to be the best person I can be in all that matters to me, like family, community and the work that I do.”


That insight came out of the two questions Richardson agreed to answer from The Associated Press as part of her sponsorshi­p with Powerade. Many of her interviews over the past year or more have come with those sort of brand-placement trade-offs attached.

She has offered other clues on social media, including posts in which she has unflinchin­gly addressed her mental-health issues, mentioning her thoughts about suicide during her teen years while also offering hope to others.

At worlds last year, there were remnants of the fracture between Richardson and the media. The behindthe-scenes Netflix series

“SPRINT” showed clips of testy exchanges between her and reporters.

Reflecting on the media’s role in telling her story, she said in the documentar­y: “I feel like in the media, every move I make, there’s a lot of noise about it. You get what you get and you get what you give. OK, so that’s just me.”

This year, her occasional in-person exchanges with reporters – most notably at the U.S. Olympic trials, where she won her second straight national title in June – have been less tense.

Her comments centered on different variations of the same theme: personal growth, accountabi­lity, family.

“I would say in the past few years, I’ve grown to have a better understand­ing of myself,” Richardson said. “I have a deeper respect and appreciati­on for the role I have in the sport, as well as my responsibi­lity to the people who believe and support me.”


The closest Richardson came to discussing the pain she endured as a child came in a friendly interview this summer with Vogue online, one she gave with the caveat that she not discuss her biological mother or the drug test.

“Everything I am, it’s because of that strong, wise Black woman,” she said of her grandmothe­r, Betty Harp, who raised her and can usually be found sitting trackside for Richardson’s biggest races. “Everything. I mean, I’ve been blessed, because I’ve had other people in my life who have helped me along. But the foundation, that’s her.”

Richardson has plenty of time to develop as an athlete and a public figure. Some sprinters don’t hit their peak until their late 20s. The cruel fact is that for the public to care, long-term, about any athlete in a sport that does not generate headlines in non-Olympic years, then winning a gold medal is the main way to build a legacy.


All signs point toward Richardson getting that win in the Olympic 100meter final, set for Aug. 3 at the Stade de France.

She won the Olympic trials in 10.71 seconds – the best time in the world this year. One of her main challenger­s, Shericka Jackson of Jamaica, pulled up lame in a tune-up race earlier this month, bringing her fitness for the Olympics into question.

Jamaica’s Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce has four more Olympics and eight more Olympic medals than Richardson. Experience matters on the sport’s biggest stage, but is it enough to outclass Richardson’s unmatched speed in 2024?

 ?? PETR DAVID JOSEK / AP, FILE ?? American sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson celebrates after winning the gold medal Aug. 21 in the final of the women’s 100-meters during the World Athletics Championsh­ips in Budapest, Hungary.
PETR DAVID JOSEK / AP, FILE American sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson celebrates after winning the gold medal Aug. 21 in the final of the women’s 100-meters during the World Athletics Championsh­ips in Budapest, Hungary.

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