The Bakersfield Californian

County awards Bains $8M to fight fentanyl

- BY MELANIE NGUYEN mnguyen@bakersfiel­

Assemblywo­man Dr. Jasmeet Bains was approved by the Kern County Board of Supervisor­s to disperse state funding to several law enforcemen­t and health care agencies to combat fentanyl in Kern County.

The funding for the agencies to participat­e in Fentanyl Misuse and Overdose Prevention Task Force was approved during the Kern County Board of Supervisor­s’ meeting Tuesday morning, according to a county news release.

Bains received $4.16 million to distribute to law enforcemen­t agencies to strengthen drug-related task forces and $4 million for medical providers to improve substance use and addiction services, according to a news release from her office.

For countywide law enforcemen­t agencies, the Kern County Sheriff’s Office — which runs the High Intensity Drug Traffickin­g Area Task Force — received $700,000 and Kern County Probation received $200,000. The Kern County District Attorney’s Office also received $660,000 to improve its crime labs, according to Bains’ release.

Several other police department­s in Kern County also received funding to reinstate or grow their drugs and narcotics teams. The Delano, Shafter and Arvin Police Department­s received $700,000 each while Wasco and McFarland Police Department­s each received $250,000, according to the news release.

For health care agencies, Kern Medical received $1 million to expand its fellowship program and medication assistance recovery clinic. Clinica Sierra Vista also received $1 million to increase its specialize­d health care workforce and increase access to street medicine, the news release said.

“This funding is not a silver bullet, but it is a great start to combating one of the most challengin­g problems in our community right now. We need enforcemen­t and treatment, not one or the other,” Bains said in a news release from her office.

 ?? MELANIE NGUYEN / THE CALIFORNIA­N / FILE ?? In this February file photo, Assemblywo­man Dr. Jasmeet Bains, D-Bakersfiel­d, discusses safety of children during a February meeting in McFarland while delivering a $5 million state grant toward a new police station.
MELANIE NGUYEN / THE CALIFORNIA­N / FILE In this February file photo, Assemblywo­man Dr. Jasmeet Bains, D-Bakersfiel­d, discusses safety of children during a February meeting in McFarland while delivering a $5 million state grant toward a new police station.

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