The Bakersfield Californian

Spain’s Camino de Santiago draws spiritual, but not religious, visitors


In her early 30s, Rachael Sanborn found herself in a bad relationsh­ip and dreaming of an escape to the Camino de Santiago in Spain, a pilgrimage her father had undertaken that had profoundly changed his life.

Sanborn, a rebel and adventurer by nature (she dropped out of college to meditate in India for a year), quit her job, gave up health insurance and pooled her savings to take two months to walk the Camino. By the third day of her walk, she promised herself she’d return every year. Nine months later, she was back, guiding her first group of eight pilgrims.

A decade later, now 45 and residing in the Bay Area, she leads grief walks and walking meditation­s on the Camino with the travel company she founded, Red Monkey Walking Travel. The red monkey is a nod to Hanuman, the Hindu god of joyful service. Raised Tibetan Buddhist, Christian and Jewish, Sanborn considers herself all three. She believes everyone can find a way for the Camino to work for their religion.

“We have had everyone from devout Catholics to atheist Chinese nationals,” said Sanborn. “The Camino for the last 1,000 years was always open to everyone from all religions. Some of my first Camino friends walked from Iran. Iran! And stopped in or outside every locked church and read Rumi poems.”

Sanborn represents a growing trend of non-Catholic — even non-Christian — pilgrims venturing on the Camino. In 2023, nearly half a million people walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain. About 40% of those walked for purely religious reasons, according to statistics released by the pilgrims’ office. While it’s traditiona­lly a Catholic pilgrimage, ending at the shrine of the apostle James in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, secular pilgrims today embark on the Camino for all kinds of motivation­s beyond religion: health, grief, transition, cultural exploratio­n, history and adventure.

Sharon Hewitt of St. John’s in Newfoundla­nd, Canada, walked part of the Camino in the fall of 2016 with two friends. Her motivation was to spend time with friends and take a “purposeful” vacation. Hewitt doesn’t consider herself religious but recognized a type of devotion in the rituals and challenges of the eight days of walking.

“I didn’t do it for religious reasons, but there is overlap,” says Hewitt. “A lot about religion is discipline, just like the Camino. After a hard night, you still get up and go on.”

This synthesis of religious and secular motivation­s is profound for people like Nancy Mead, president of The Friends of the Anglican Centre in Santiago de Compostela, an ecumenical religious organizati­on. Mead, an Episcopali­an who lives in Rhode Island, says there are as many reasons why people walk the Camino as there are people who walk it. While the Camino is a religious experience for her, she has also learned life lessons along the way that apply to everybody, religious or not. She’s walked seven different routes on the Camino and has to remind herself each time to lighten her load; makeup and extra clothes are just added weight on the journey.

The number of “spiritual but not religious” pilgrims on the Camino has increased over the past two decades as the demographi­c has grown and with the emergence of “secular spirituali­ty.” Jacqui Frost, whose research at Purdue includes health and wellbeing among the nonreligio­us, says researcher­s are increasing­ly using the language of spirituali­ty to talk about secular experience­s of feeling connected to something greater than yourself — something that, she says, often happens in nature.

“We have started to secularize a lot of what used to be religious rituals,” said Frost. “Think about meditation, yoga or even atheist churches. A lot of people are interested in rituals and finding meaning in these collective events.”

As this growing spiritual but not religious group borrows religious rituals and beliefs, there is a question of how to do so without appropriat­ing them. Many of the reasons nonreligio­us people go on the Camino are similar to why religious people go. In a 2019 study in the “Sociology of Religion” journal, researcher­s examined atheists’ versus religious pilgrims’ motivation­s to walk the Santiago way and found overwhelmi­ng overlap across motivation­s; most were looking to connect to nature and one’s deeper self. The only two measures that differed were community and religious motivation­s, which were both higher for religious pilgrims.

Religious ethics expert and author of the forthcomin­g book “The Religion Factor: How Restoring Religion to Our Spirituali­ty Makes It More Meaningful, Responsibl­e, and Effective,” Liz Bucar, says the growing number of spiritual but not religious pilgrims represents a need for meaning-making, even when you’ve rejected religion. But she doesn’t think it’s as easy as just dropping the religion part and isn’t so sure you can still get the same benefits without it.

“If you want to get the real meat out of pilgrimage, you have to engage with the religion of it,” Bucar said. “Spirituali­ty is what they are calling the pieces of religion that they like. Religion is part of the secret sauce.”

After all, Bucar said, pilgrimage is spiritual tourism. She describes the Camino today as a “curated, socially constructe­d experience with institutio­ns involved.” Bucar used to lead college students on the Camino but came to believe the trip fed into an idea that you can access this spiritual connectedn­ess or transcende­nce through participat­ing in a temporary experience. She said the Camino falls into this category, which her new book is about, of these spiritual hacks and shortcuts people take when they “don’t want to do religion.”

Bucar required the students to write an applicatio­n essay for the class, and most cited the desire to have a transforma­tive experience as their reasoning for wanting to walk the Camino. “They’re looking for a quick fix, an experience that will change their life,” she said.

She’s not opposed to taking students again. But she’d do it differentl­y. Instead of focusing on the inward journey, she’d encourage her students to study the historical context of the routes and the contentiou­s parts of history that the official Spanish tour guides might be leaving out. After all, St. James is also known as Santiago Matamoros, the “Moorslayer.” You won’t hear about the story of Matamoros helping Charlemagn­e murder Muslims from a tour guide. She would put the constructi­on of historical narratives front and center.

“I’d make it less fun for them and less of an ‘experience.’ It’s much more valuable to have these experience­s be uncomforta­ble and disorienti­ng,” Bucar said. “You have to engage with the religion of it.”

 ?? ALVARO BARRIENTOS / AP, FILE ?? Pilgrims cross a bridge during a stage of Camino de Santiago, or St. James Way, in Puente La Reina northern Spain, on May 31, 2022.
ALVARO BARRIENTOS / AP, FILE Pilgrims cross a bridge during a stage of Camino de Santiago, or St. James Way, in Puente La Reina northern Spain, on May 31, 2022.

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