The Bakersfield Californian

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ large-scale convention­s bring ‘Good News’ to Bakersfiel­d this summer

- — Courtesy of Public Informatio­n Department of Jehovah’s Witnesses

This summer, Jehovah’s Witnesses will again hold largescale convention­s in Bakersfiel­d, a local summer tradition for over 25 years.

The 2024 “Declare the Good News!” convention series, which began Friday, will be held over five weekends at Mechanics Bank Arena. This free, three-day live event is expected to draw more than 24,000 attendees to the city over the course of the summer.

“Convention­s have always been the high point of my year,” said Garth Milam, who helped organize some of the first convention­s in Bakersfiel­d and has attended them for decades.

For Milam, summers meant spending time volunteeri­ng at these events. “Contemplat­ing the rich history we have in Bakersfiel­d gives me a cheerful heart.”

As an organizati­on, Jehovah’s Witnesses have over 100 years of experience coordinati­ng largescale convention­s in hundreds of lands. Over the years, the city of Bakersfiel­d and Mechanics Bank Arena have accommodat­ed an estimated 2 million attendees who have streamed into the city.

“The hospitalit­y of Bakersfiel­d towards thousands of visitors from all over California for over 25 years has been special,” said Leo Hernandez, local spokespers­on for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Milam agrees: “We enjoy having our convention­s in Bakersfiel­d and appreciate the stores, hotels and restaurant­s that welcome us each year.”

This year’s theme seems more appropriat­e than ever. In a world where bad news endlessly streams on social media, TV and radio, “Declare the Good News!” will present a refreshing contrast, focusing on the good news that is the foundation of the message of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

“Each convention brings something new,” Hernandez said. “Last year the theme discussed was patience. This year, the theme focuses on good news, which is something we need now more than ever.”

The “Declare the Good News!” convention will present Biblebased videos, discourses and interviews on topics such as:

• Why Do We Need Good News?

• Use the Good News to Defeat Bad News

• Why We Don’t Fear Bad News A two-part video feature will captivate the audience on Friday and Saturday mornings.

The Saturday program will also feature a baptism of candidates from surroundin­g communitie­s.

Prior to each convention, local congregati­ons will engage in a campaign to invite community members to this free event. Last year, nearly 13 million people attended more than 6,000 threeday convention­s worldwide.

To learn more about this free convention and to find a location near you, visit (select “About Us” then “Convention­s”).

 ?? COURTESY OF PUBLIC INFORMATIO­N DEPARTMENT OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES ?? More than 24,000 are expected to attend the Jeohavh’s Witnesses’ “Declare the Good News!” convention series, being held over five weekends at the Mechanics Bank Arena starting this week.
COURTESY OF PUBLIC INFORMATIO­N DEPARTMENT OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES More than 24,000 are expected to attend the Jeohavh’s Witnesses’ “Declare the Good News!” convention series, being held over five weekends at the Mechanics Bank Arena starting this week.

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