The Bakersfield Californian

Possible deal looms for local man charged with calling KCSO 181 times

- BY MELANIE NGUYEN mnguyen@bakersfiel­

The defense attorney for the former supervisor­ial candidate suspected of placing annoying phone calls to the Kern County Sheriff’s Office requested a pretrial conference in hopes the case is resolved before going to trial.

On Monday, Judge Chad Louie granted the pretrial hearing, which is scheduled for Aug. 30.

David Abbasi is charged with making repeated 911 calls with the intent to annoy or harass. According to the KCSO report, Abbasi called 181 times in one month. Abbasi pleaded not guilty to the misdemeano­r charges and called his case “absolutely ridiculous” in an email to The California­n Monday.

Abbasi appeared in court Monday for his trial, wearing a mask and holding a helmet. Abbasi stayed silent while his defense attorney, Los Angeles-based attorney Zaura Villagomez, requested more time to review the case.

Villagomez, who called into the court Monday, requested the pretrial hearing in hopes that she and the prosecutor could work out the matter before it goes to trial.

Abbasi was arrested twice in April for calling KCSO regarding one of his neighbors smoking, which he told deputies endangered his life, according to the police report. The report said Abbasi said he was also assaulted by his neighbor, which prompted him to file for a request for a temporary restrainin­g order.

According to court records, the person who Abbasi filed a request for a restrainin­g order against filed her own request for a restrainin­g order against him. Both requests for temporary restrainin­g orders were denied.

After the first time Abbasi was arrested in April, a KCSO sergeant told Abbasi calling 911 regarding smoking was a misuse of the emergency line. He would be arrested five days later for continuing to call KCSO, according to the report.

Abbasi remains out of custody.

 ?? MELANIE NGUYEN / THE CALIFORNIA­N ?? David Abbasi is suspected of calling the Kern County Sheriff’s Office 181 times, according to a KCSO report.
MELANIE NGUYEN / THE CALIFORNIA­N David Abbasi is suspected of calling the Kern County Sheriff’s Office 181 times, according to a KCSO report.

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