The Bakersfield Californian

Southern Baptists are poised to ban churches with women pastors; some are urging them to reconsider


From its towering white steeple and red-brick facade to its Sunday services filled with rousing gospel hymns and evangelist­ic sermons, First Baptist Church of Alexandria, Va., bears many of the classic hallmarks of a Southern Baptist church.

On a recent Sunday, its pastor for women and children, Kim Eskridge, urged members to invite friends and neighbors to an upcoming vacation Bible school to help “reach families in the community with the gospel.”

But because that pastor is a woman, First Baptist’s days in the Southern Baptist Convention may be numbered.

At the SBC’s annual meeting Tuesday and Wednesday in Indianapol­is, representa­tives will vote on whether to amend the denominati­on’s constituti­on to essentiall­y ban churches with any women pastors — and not just in the top job. That measure received overwhelmi­ng approval in a preliminar­y vote last year.

Leaders of First Baptist — which has given millions to Southern Baptist causes and has been involved with the convention since its 19th century founding — are bracing for a possible expulsion.

“We are grieved at the direction the SBC has taken,” the church said in a statement.

And it’s not alone. By some estimates, the proposed ban could affect hundreds of congregati­ons and have a disproport­ionate impact on predominan­tly Black churches.

The vote is partly the culminatio­n of events set in motion two years ago.

That’s when a Virginia pastor contacted SBC officials to contend that First Baptist and four nearby churches were “out of step” with denominati­onal doctrine that says only men can be pastors. The SBC Credential­s Committee launched a formal inquiry in April.

Southern Baptists disagree on which ministry jobs this doctrine refers to. Some say it’s just the senior pastor, others that a pastor is anyone who preaches and exercises spiritual authority.

And in a Baptist tradition that prizes local church autonomy, critics say the convention shouldn’t enshrine a constituti­onal rule based on one interpreta­tion of its non-binding doctrinal statement.

By some estimates, women are working in pastoral roles in hundreds of SBC-linked churches, a fraction of the nearly 47,000 across the denominati­on.

But critics say the amendment would amount to a further narrowing in numbers and mindset for the nation’s largest Protestant denominati­on, which has moved steadily rightward in recent decades.

They also wonder if the SBC has better things to do.

It has struggled to respond to sexual abuse cases in its churches. A former professor at a Southern Baptist seminary in Texas was indicted in May on a charge of falsifying a record about alleged sexual abuse by a student in order to obstruct a federal investigat­ion into sexual misconduct in the convention.

SBC membership has dipped below 13 million, nearly a half-century low. Baptismal rates are in long-term decline.

The amendment, if passed, wouldn’t prompt an immediate purge. But it could keep the denominati­on’s leaders busy for years, investigat­ing and ousting churches. Many predominan­tly Black churches have men as lead pastors but assign pastor titles to women in other areas, such as worship and children’s ministries.

“To disfellows­hip like-minded churches ... based on a localchurc­h governance decision dishonors the spirit of cooperatio­n and the guiding tenets of our denominati­on,” wrote Pastor Gregory Perkins, president of the SBC’s National African American Fellowship, to denominati­onal officials.

The controvers­y complicate­s the alreadycho­ppy efforts by the mostly white denominati­on to diversify and overcome its legacy of slavery and segregatio­n.

Amendment proponents say the convention needs to reinforce its doctrinal statement, the Baptist Faith and Message, which says the office of pastor is “limited to men as qualified by Scripture.”

“If we won’t stand on this issue and be unapologet­ically biblical, then we won’t stand on anything,” said amendment proponent Mike Law, pastor of Arlington Baptist Church in Virginia.

Since Baptist churches are independen­t, the convention can’t tell them what to do or whom to appoint as a pastor.

But the convention can decide which churches are in and which are out. And even without a formal amendment, its Executive Committee has begun telling churches with women pastors that they’re out.

 ?? MARK HUMPHREY / AP FILE ?? In this 2021 file photo, people attend the morning session of the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Nashville, Tenn. Southern Baptists gathering at their next annual meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday in Indianapol­is will vote on whether to enact a constituti­onal ban on churches with women pastors.
MARK HUMPHREY / AP FILE In this 2021 file photo, people attend the morning session of the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Nashville, Tenn. Southern Baptists gathering at their next annual meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday in Indianapol­is will vote on whether to enact a constituti­onal ban on churches with women pastors.
 ?? BAPTIST WOMEN IN MINISTRY ?? The Rev. Meredith Stone welcomes participan­ts to the 2022 Baptist Women in Ministry Annual Gathering at Wilshire Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas.
BAPTIST WOMEN IN MINISTRY The Rev. Meredith Stone welcomes participan­ts to the 2022 Baptist Women in Ministry Annual Gathering at Wilshire Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas.

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