The Bakersfield Californian

Man held to answer for attempted murder in east Bakersfiel­d field

- BY MELANIE NGUYEN mnguyen@bakersfiel­

Following a hearing Tuesday for a man suspected of shooting his so-called friend and leaving the victim for dead, a Kern County Superior Court judge determined there was enough evidence to proceed to trial.

Rogelio Alvarez, 59, was held to answer for one count of attempted murder and one count of assault with a firearm after he is suspected of shooting Joe Fuentes eight times in east Bakersfiel­d on May 19. Fuentes survived the shooting and found help after walking to a nearby neighborho­od.

Alvarez appeared in court Tuesday and although he did not say anything during the proceeding­s, he nodded in agreement or shook his head in disagreeme­nt occasional­ly while Bakersfiel­d Police officers Julian Garcia and Zachary Ward testified.

Alvarez has pleaded not guilty.

During the hearing Tuesday, Alvarez’s defense attorney, Deputy Public Defender Eliana Navarro, requested that the charges be dropped. She asked Garcia during his testimony if Fuentes ever said that he saw Alvarez shoot him.

Garcia mentioned that Fuentes was “aggravated” when he and Ward interviewe­d him but Fuentes continued to say Alvarez shot him.

On May 19, Alvarez, Fuentes and a woman drove out to a secluded field near Highway 178 and Niles Road to pick up a car Fuentes paid Alvarez for, according to the BPD report.

The woman in the back seat of the car, who Fuentes said was Mayra Cisneros, asked to borrow his phone. After Fuentes gave Cisneros his phone, Alvarez shot him, according to the police report.

According to the police report submitted by BPD to the court, Alvarez claims he did not shoot Fuentes. Alvarez told officers that there was another car in the secluded field and someone else shot Fuentes.

However, Judge Gloria Cannon found there was enough evidence for a trial based on BPD officer Garcia and Ward’s testimony.

Alvarez’s next court hearing is scheduled for June 13. He is being held on $1 million bail.

In relation to Alvarez’s case, Cisneros was on May 20 arrested on suspicion of accessory and conspiracy to commit a crime, but has since been released.

The Kern County District Attorney’s Office public informatio­n officer, Daniela Gonzaga, said Cisneros’ case is being reviewed by the DA’s Office. Gonzaga said Cisneros is expected to appear in court June 12.

While Alvarez was in court Tuesday, Fuentes went back to the trailer home on Morning Drive where he found help. Fuentes told The California­n Tuesday that he went with two BPD officers. Fuentes told one of the officers that he thought Alvarez was a friend.

“My head didn’t think this was an enemy,” Fuentes said.

Fuentes said while he was at the trailer home Tuesday, he felt alright and he did not go to the field where he said he was shot. During the court hearing, Garcia said the officers were unable to pinpoint where the shooting occurred.

Fuentes is still recovering from the gunshot wounds and said he is waiting to be transferre­d to a rehabilita­tion center for a shattered collarbone.

 ?? MELANIE NGUYEN / THE CALIFORNIA­N ?? Rogelio Alvarez pleaded not guilty May 22 to charges of attempted murder and assault with a firearm on a person after he was accused of shooting Joe Fuentes. Alvarez denies shooting Fuentes.
MELANIE NGUYEN / THE CALIFORNIA­N Rogelio Alvarez pleaded not guilty May 22 to charges of attempted murder and assault with a firearm on a person after he was accused of shooting Joe Fuentes. Alvarez denies shooting Fuentes.
 ?? ?? Fuentes

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