The Bakersfield Californian



If you are looking for better garage sales, note the addresses when you read the classified ads for them.

If they are in an affluent area, there may be higherqual­ity, trendy or newer items to purchase.

Dear Heloise:


— Heloise

I get so many beautiful gift bags and tissue paper, so I started saving all of it for reuse.

It seemed wasteful not to recycle them.

I carefully fold them and store the gift bags in a small rack that was designed to hold pot lids or

large serving platters. Then I take the tissue paper and iron it on the coolest setting, and it comes out like new. I fold it away and reuse it for gifts or crimple it and use it as padding for things I mail.

Not only am I saving money by reusing those gift bags, but I’m reducing the amount of waste going into our landfills, which is becoming a serious problem in our country.

— M.H., In Oklahoma

Dear Readers:

When dusting wood floors, spritz the mop with a bit of spray wax right before you dust.

This helps shine

the wood floors without mess — and in just a few minutes.

— Heloise

Dear Heloise:

I make a large amount of trail mix for my family to snack on while they’re out.

I use various nuts, dried berries and fruit, and seeds, but no candy. Sometimes I even slip in a few dried veggies.

Rather than have my kids eat junk food that’s filled with sugar and fat, I make a baggie with my homemade trail mix for them to snack on. It works great if we’re out sightseein­g, on a long drive somewhere, or at a beach. It’s also

far more economical than what stores are charging now for a simple candy bar or chips.

— A.W., In Louisiana

Dear Readers:

The key to a successful garage sale is organizati­on!

Group your items by category, such as tools, books, kitchen utensils and clothing. This makes it easier for your customers to find and buy what they are looking for.


Dear Heloise:

I stumbled on a clever way to get dents out of plastic containers like milk jugs.

I had tried to blow into the jug, but I did not have enough wind force to get the dent out. But a jug that was already filled with water was able to provide the added force, along with my blowing, to remove the ding! I surmise that this idea of “added force” could be done using sand, beads, etc., for other applicable items and situations.

— D., In Ohio

 ?? ?? Dear Readers:
Dear Readers:

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