The Bakersfield Californian

Amid roadkill epidemic, California builds world’s largest wildlife bridge


AGOURA HILLS — The 10-lane freeway that slices through this part of Southern California is one of the busiest in the country, ushering more than 300,000 cars across the greater Los Angeles area every day.

For drivers, it’s a nightmare: This stretch of Highway 101 is known as the “highway from hell,” the infamous host of the nation’s worst commutes.

But if the 101 is bothersome for bipeds, it is downright disastrous for the wildlife that also calls the region home. The 101 cuts like a chainsaw through a vibrant natural ecosystem of coastal sage scrub and oak trees interspers­ed with suburban neighborho­ods, disrupting the movement of animals and threatenin­g their survival.

Now a massive infrastruc­ture project is underway to suture together the vast tracts of fragmented wildlife habitat that have been separated by the highway for decades. Constructi­on on a key phase of the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing — a $100 million structure funded by a mix of public and private money — began in April and it is expected to open in early 2026.

The bridge will be the largest of its kind in the world, spanning the highway at roughly the size of a football field, and it will reconnect the undevelope­d sections of the Santa Monica Mountains with those of the Simi Hills. The new pathway will be a boon for the rare and struggling species that are trying to subsist amid the sprawl, especially mountain lions, whose local population could perish without it, say the scientists who study the animals.

The crossing has inspired an influx of government and philanthro­pic investment for similar ventures across the country, and it has become a beacon of cohabitati­on during an age indelibly shaped by human activity, when many of Earth’s vulnerable species are facing the prospect of extinction propelled by a roadkill epidemic. If a wildlife crossing can work in the cradle of American car culture, proponents say, then it can work anywhere.

“When the No. 1 threat to wildlife worldwide is the loss of habitat, we can’t write these places off,” Beth Pratt, the project’s lead fundraiser and chief spokespers­on, said of urban areas like Los Angeles. “Environmen­talists like me usually don’t like bulldozers, but this is the world’s most hopeful constructi­on site.”

Like most crazes in this city of stars, the wildlife crossing only really became trendy after a celebrity sighting.

P-22, likely the most lionized mountain lion to ever prowl the planet, was first spotted in L.A.’s Griffith Park more than a decade ago, and shortly thereafter he became the premier poster cat for valiant survival against all odds — as well as the project meant to save his feline relatives.

The cougar arrived in the heart of the city after an improbable 50-mile journey that took him across two major freeways, which have increasing­ly become death traps for his species. P-22 captured the heart of a city that too often feels estranged from its surroundin­g wilderness, and he spotlighte­d the plight of other mountain lions corralled by roads.

Pratt, the National Wildlife

Fund’s California executive director, took to carting around P-22 stuffed animals and a life-size cougar cutout as she pressed wealthy Angelenos to donate to the Annenberg crossing. After P-22’s death in late 2022, due in part to a car strike that badly injured him, the cat continued to be a potent booster.

“This is really his legacy,” said Pratt, standing at the constructi­on site in Agoura Hills. “P-22 has become like a Marilyn Monroe or a Jim Morrison. He doesn’t die.”

(And like his famous forebears, P-22 has a copycat following in his footsteps: In recent days, another mountain lion was spotted in Griffith Park, delighting scientists and neighbors.)

While P-22 and his apparent successor probably did not traverse the route that will be linked by the crossing, other Santa Monica Mountain pumas badly need the path, Pratt said.

Jeff Sikich, a National Park Service biologist who has been studying the region’s big cats for more than two decades, has watched in real time the catastroph­ic impacts of a hemmed-in habitat. The Santa Monica lions, effectivel­y on an island south of the 101 and west of Interstate 405, saw their genetic diversity plummet as inbreeding became more common.

Soon, Sikich and his research partners observed the unmistakab­le signs of an “extinction vortex”: Kinked tails, holes in hearts and other birth defects that prevented reproducti­on, all traits found a generation earlier in the Florida panther, when it was on the verge of dying out.

“The crossing could not have come at a better time to help our small, isolated population,” Sikich said.

For someone who has spent his career identifyin­g threats to wildlife, scooping up dead animals and publishing morbid findings, the crossing provides a rare dose of optimism.

“To see such a hopeful project, something that will actually be a game changer in this area, it’s super exciting,” Sikich said. “It’s conservati­on in action.”

Even though mountain lions will benefit big time, they’re also something of a Trojan horse: Donors are drawn to the charismati­c carnivores’ cause, but a wide range of species will be able to make use of the crossing.

Bobcats, coyotes, mule deer, some 400 types of birds and dozens of different reptiles and amphibians live in the Santa Monica Mountains, including a high concentrat­ion of threatened and endangered species. Many of these animals are in a similar situation as the cougars, badly in need of more room to roam but locked in place without the bridge.

The crossing’s engineers hope that their meticulous design will accommodat­e every creature that needs it. For years, planners have been gathering seeds from nearby native plants and collecting local fungi to ensure the soil compositio­n on the bridge is just right. The goal, essentiall­y, is to ensure that anything crawling, slithering, hopping or bounding across does not sense they are traveling over something man-made.

“We’re not designing a crossing solely for the mountain lion. We’re creating this diverse ecological stitch across the freeway,” said Robert Rock, a landscape architect and lead designer of the project. “We’re designing from the microbial activity in the soil all the way through to the apex predator.”

Caltrans, the state’s transit agency tasked with overseeing constructi­on, is typically more concerned with facilitati­ng human travel. But this project reimagines that mission. Instead of paving over the natural world, planners must extend the natural world over an immense stretch of pavement.

To be successful, they have to contend with the ubiquitous freeway features that often scare off animals. To combat light pollution, crews poured a special mix of less reflective concrete for the structure’s exterior. And to dull the deafening freeway noise, which comes primarily from tire friction, Rock is insulating the overpass with vegetated barriers that will better absorb sound waves. The pricey project also required significan­t public buy-in, as it involves partial overnight closures of the 101 during part of the constructi­on.

 ?? PHOTOS BY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ?? A trail camera captures a coyote as it roams an area near the 101 freeway. Once the crossing is complete, creatures of all kinds will have a new path over the dangerous roadway.
PHOTOS BY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE A trail camera captures a coyote as it roams an area near the 101 freeway. Once the crossing is complete, creatures of all kinds will have a new path over the dangerous roadway.
 ?? ?? A mountain lion is seen just a few feet from the 101 freeway, near the site of the Annenberg Wildlife Crossing.
A mountain lion is seen just a few feet from the 101 freeway, near the site of the Annenberg Wildlife Crossing.
 ?? ?? A deer trots along the edge of the 101 near the crossing site. Scientists studying the area have noted that many animals live very close to the freeway, but are rarely able to cross, leaving them isolated.
A deer trots along the edge of the 101 near the crossing site. Scientists studying the area have noted that many animals live very close to the freeway, but are rarely able to cross, leaving them isolated.

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