Texarkana Gazette

Debate Impact?

Did faceoff change your mind? Confirm your choice?


Well, the first and probably only presidenti­al debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is in the history book.

Pundits and the public are debating who won. But we are more interested in whether or not the debate changed minds.

If you watched the debate, did it change your mind about either candidate? If you were undecided, are you still undecided? If you already support one candidate, did the debate just confirm your choice?

Send your response (50 words maximum) to opinion@texarkanag­azette.com by Wednesday, September 18. You can also mail your response to the Texarkana Gazette Friday Poll, at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504 or drop it off at our office, 101 E. Broad St, Texarkana, Ark. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. We will print as many responses as we can in next Friday’s paper.


Last week’s question was about a California law that prohibits teachers from notifying parents if a child discloses anything about his or her sexual orientatio­n or gender identity. If a child discloses an issue regarding sexual orientatio­n or gender identity, should teachers be forbidden from informing the parents? Or should teachers be required to tell the parents?

If a child discloses an issue regarding sexual orientatio­n or gender identity, I say it should remain private, unless child agrees to notify parents. If child is that scared to confide in their own parents there must be a reason. Children need to talk to someone. — R.K., Texarkana, Texas


Don’t agree!! That’s my child and any feeling they may have to voice I should be the first to know. Children are let to run free with parental decisions that should only be discussed with said parent. Just like when you take your 0-18 yr child to a doctor. Their life is discussed with the parent. Teachers are not above doctors and definitely not above parents till 18.

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