Texarkana Gazette

Finding joy in giving back

Pam White of United Way of Greater Texarkana


TEXARKANA, Texas — After 20 years with Texarkana Water Utilities, former administra­tive coordinato­r Pam White retired in January 2024 and quickly found a way to keep herself busy.

White said she submitted her resignatio­n one year early because she really wanted to take time to think about it.

“There’s a lot of people who retire and go back to work and flip-flop and it’s a huge decision in your life,” she said. “I think as I got into the back end of the year, I knew it was the right thing to do.”

White said she chose to spend her newly found free time as a volunteer at United Way of Greater Texarkana. The retiree has been volunteeri­ng with the organizati­on since 2003, which is when she also started at TWU.

“I guess I was very enthusiast­ic, even at the beginning, and I set up presentati­ons at all our locations and I would go out there. I was just very impressed with what United Way was doing,” White said. “I think by the end of the year, somebody said, ‘Would you like to be a board member?’ I checked with my boss and he said, ‘Well, do it if you want to do it.’

“So I’ve probably been on the board now for almost 20 years.”

White said she enjoys helping with the fundraiser­s, as well as spending time providing assistance at CHRISTUS St. Michael, Runnin’ WJ Ranch and Texarkana Resources.

“One of the big things, even when I first started, was the focus was not to be a Band-aid to solve a problem. You know, don’t give them the fish, teach them how to fish,” White said. “We look for measurable outcomes. We want to make sure these programs are improving their lives.”

White said volunteeri­ng has given her a routine and a way to stay engaged.

“It is very rewarding. You recognize that you’re filling a job that would otherwise have to be staffed,” White said. “You get that reward and you go in and regularly meet new people that you haven’t met before, and it’s been very enjoyable.”

Mark Bledsoe, United Way CEO and president, said White is motivated by kindness.

“There’s probably not a sweeter, kinder, more community-minded person that I know,” Bledsoe said. “She’s just helped out and volunteere­d wherever needed anytime she could do it — and it’s hard to find people like that.”

Bledsoe said the local United Way would not have made it to 100 years if not for volunteers like White.

“We’re certainly always looking for good volunteers, and if they’re interested, they can give us a call or they can even come by and visit us,” Bledsoe said.

“We’ll work with them to see that they can help out the community and see how they might can bring the biggest impact to the region.

“The world needs a whole lot more Pams in it.”

For her part, White said volunteeri­ng is her way to pay it forward.

“This is our chance to shine, a little bit, to give back for a great life we’ve had.”

 ?? (Staff photo by Mallory Wyatt) ?? After 20 years with Texarkana Water Utilities, former administra­tive coordinato­r Pam White, seen with her dog, Callie, retired in January 2024 and quickly found a way to keep herself busy. White said she has chosen to spend her newly found free time by continuing as a volunteer with United Way of Greater Texarkana.
(Staff photo by Mallory Wyatt) After 20 years with Texarkana Water Utilities, former administra­tive coordinato­r Pam White, seen with her dog, Callie, retired in January 2024 and quickly found a way to keep herself busy. White said she has chosen to spend her newly found free time by continuing as a volunteer with United Way of Greater Texarkana.

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