Texarkana Gazette

Making America sane again

- Jay Ambrose

American politics these days almost makes you want to hide out in your basement, avoiding, for instance, a televised debate in which President Joe Biden took on former President Donald Trump with an indecipher­able jumble of words making just one point, namely that he had no idea what he was talking about.

Soon enough, a mighty gang of fellow Democrats, even including Barack Obama, his former boss, said that it was time for Biden to give up aspiration­s for another term that could instead deliver an- other term to troublesom­e Trump. Biden said go away, leave me alone, cut it out until the pride-stifling bombardmen­t beat him to a pulp and he surrendere­d.

By then, of course, there had been another pre-election incident putting ordinary political hijinks to shame, a sickening attempt to assassinat­e Trump as he was speaking to an outdoors crowd in Butler, Pa. Preparing for a GOP convention in Milwaukee, Wis., nominating him for the asserted sake of national greatness, he turned his head an inch or so just in time to suffer a wound to an ear instead of having his brain blown to pieces.

“Fight, fight, fight,” he yelled back at intruders on his dreams, including, of course, this fatally accosted shooter whose bullets had dreadfully killed an innocent man in the Trump crowd. This guy had easily sneaked past insufficie­ntly directed federal security guards, thereby miserably failing to instill any trust in Washington, D.C.

Before offering details about a lively, loving GOP crowd and favorable mention of J. D. Vance, Trump’s vice-presidenti­al choice, let me note that powerful Democrats were being anti-democratic if neverthele­ss vindicated in their hit on Biden. He had won more than 14 million delegates in primaries, easily enough to confirm him as the party’s 2024 candidate for president, and why, exactly, were so many of the party’s congressio­nal kings and queens then so determined to assault his constituti­onally supported ambition?

Well, the Trump debate of sense vs. goofiness inspired public awareness of Biden’s dramatic deficienci­es shown regularly on such outlets as Fox News’ multiple videos of a seeming escapee from a dementia den. Biden, at the age of 81, may be at the top of this pitiable performanc­e, but understand that, just as he has had a 50-year political career with some notable achievemen­ts, he has long been guilty of occasional mindlessne­ss or deception.

His presidency has also been fierce in its policy shame, such as letting Iran off the financial hook for Israeli desecratio­n to the point of Iran doing what dreadful harm it pleased through the actions of others it directs. As president, Trump prevented such behavior through monetary acts and warnings.

With Biden not seeking another run, not a few want the job to go to his vice president, Kamala Harris, maybe the least competent of all Washington politician­s. Biden gave her the special duty as VP to be our southern border czar and she did nothing the least bit meaningful as more migrants suffered death in their northern treks, parentless migrant teens were forced into illegal work including prostituti­on and thousands of American adults and children were killed by smuggled drugs. Crime increased, cities were wrecked, schools were overworked and converted to round-the-clock dwellings and hospitals were also overcrowde­d.

Many of her staffers hated Harris and quit, but that won’t be an option for citizens of our nation, which is one reason to applaud Trump’s good-humored, sensible-seeming, eager and excited convention crowd as he actually talked of national unity in a mostly mellow tone.

Excuse me. Trump also offers a lot to worry about, but please read the “Hillbilly Elegy” memoir by his ultra-wise pick of a vice presidenti­al running mate, Senator J.D. Vance, who was raised in the worst possible poverty and went on to Iraq service in the Marines, became a Yale-educated lawyer, a businessma­n and a senator and who thinks so, so deeply about so, so much. There are questions here, but he just might help make Trump a great president, if not again, at least this time out.

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