Texarkana Gazette

Family business breaks ground

New facility means significan­t growth for Scoreboard Screen Printing and Embroidery


TEXARKANA, Texas — A local family-owned business that has been operating for nearly 40 years at the same location recently broke ground on a brand new facility.

Scoreboard Screen Printing and Embroidery, 1433 College Drive, celebrated their groundbrea­king Tuesday. The business will relocate just a few feet down the road, between Genesis Prime Care and Wet Willy’s Car Wash.

Scoreboard is currently operating out of a 5,400-square-foot facility. The new facility will be 7,590 square feet, according to Brandon Allison, son of the business’ co-owners.

The new developmen­t marks a significan­t milestone for the company, which has been a key business in the Texarkana area. The new larger facility space will be able to house more than double the equipment capacity and give the company a much more suitable layout that the family designed themselves to better accommodat­e their business.

“It’ll be our building, our design, and everything will be tailored to what we wanted, and so the move is going to be a big help,” Brandon Allison said.

The family recently purchased a few new state-of-the-art machines that are too big for their current facility.

The new building will also include a dedicated space for package drop-offs and separate department­s for each job function.

As co-owner Cheryl Allison reflects on the family’s business journey, she shares how it all began in the early 1980s with her father-in-law.

“We’ve been here since the early ’80s, and our family has changed the direction of the story over time,” Cheryl Allison said.

The business started as Allison’s Co. selling wholesale merchandis­e to convenienc­e stores and gift shops, transition­ed to Allison’s Party Supplies in the late ’80s and early ’90s, and was a goto shop for knick-knacks, balloons

and costumes, according to Allison.

“Allison’s in the early to mid ’90s added promotiona­l and ad specialty products, which led to us eventually dabbling into selling apparel,” Cheryl Allison said. “In 1997, we were approached with the opportunit­y to take over Scoreboard, a venture we had no clue would lead us to where we are today.”

The business has had its ups and downs, but ultimately the Allison family has stuck to the grind and built it into something they are very proud of, according to a Facebook post.

“This project has taken almost two years to get off the ground, and we cannot express our gratitude to all of our customers we consider friends for helping us make this dream a reality,” a post from the Scoreboard Facebook page states.

Scoreboard serves a great variety of Texarkana businesses and community members. Their oldest customers include Legends Gym and Health Club.

Cheryl Allison describes how, when UPS makes deliveries, the lack of space at Scoreboard’s current building results in boxes being stacked in the showroom.

“We’ve really outgrown this facility and don’t have anywhere else to put things or add new equipment,” Cheryl Allison said. “This move was long overdue. It’s scary to leave a place you’ve been for so long, but we are excited.”

“Thank you, Texarkana, for the first 40 years. We look forward to this next chapter in a building our family and business can call home and serving this area for another 40,” the Facebook post stated.

Scoreboard Screen Printing and Embroidery aims to open its new facility before the start of the 2025 baseball season.

Rodgers Constructi­on are the builders for the new facility.

 ?? (Photo courtesy of of Brandon Allison) ?? Nancy Taylor, from left, Ricky Brown, Cheryl Allison, Chip Allison, Brandon Allison and Kobey Mabry pose with shovels and hard hats during a groundbrea­king ceremony on Tuesday at Scoreboard Screen Printing and Embroidery in Texarkana, Texas.
(Photo courtesy of of Brandon Allison) Nancy Taylor, from left, Ricky Brown, Cheryl Allison, Chip Allison, Brandon Allison and Kobey Mabry pose with shovels and hard hats during a groundbrea­king ceremony on Tuesday at Scoreboard Screen Printing and Embroidery in Texarkana, Texas.

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