Texarkana Gazette

Try these gentle hints for your skin


Dear Heloise: My skin has a number of complicati­ons, such as blackheads on my nose and ruddy cheeks. I seem to break out all along my jawline. Please don’t suggest that I see a dermatolog­ist because I’ve seen three, and nothing they’ve suggested has worked. Any medication I took made my skin extremely dry and very sensitive to touch. I spent a lot of money on prescripti­ons with terrible results.

Got any gentle hints for skin like mine? — Holly H., Arcadia, Florida

Holly, I have a few old-time remedies that might help you cope with your skin problems. They usually work for me:

• For blackheads: Over a very low heat, dissolve 1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatin combined with 2 tablespoon­s of 2% milk and 3 drops of fresh lemon juice. Stir constantly. Let it cool enough to apply on your skin with a basting brush. Let dry on your skin (usually for 1 hour). Peel it off, and as you peel it, the blackheads should come off as well.

• If your cheeks are chapped or feel sore to the touch, mix 1/2 cup honey to 2 tablespoon­s unflavored (plain) yogurt. Blend well and apply to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Afterward, use a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the affected area.

• For blemishes: Mix tea tree oil with an equal amount of warm water in a small glass bottle. Add 1/4 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Shake well, then use a cotton ball to spread this over the blemishes. Leave on overnight. — Heloise SEND A GREAT HINT TO: Heloisehel­oise.com


Dear Heloise: When I get home from the grocery store, I take all my bags into the house and set them on the counter. Next, I wash my hands before putting my groceries away. Then I wash them one last time after I put everything away.

I wash my hands before I put things away because I’ve touched a lot of things in a place where many people go. I never know what type of bacteria might be on my hands. I wash them after I put things away for the same reason. If COVID taught us anything, it was the importance of handwashin­g to prevent the spread of diseases. — Meghan S., Dover, Delaware


Dear Heloise: I feed a colony of feral cats and have for the past three years. The only problem I have is that I can’t keep ants out of their food. — Lisa W., in Houston

Lisa, place their food in a medium-sized metal bowl. Place the cat food bowl in the middle on a plant saucer (one designed to catch water overflow). Fill the saucer with water. Make sure that the plant saucer is much larger than the bowl. The water usually stops the ants. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: In a recent column in the Daily Freeman in Kingston, New York, a reader asked what new things should be invented. Here’s my suggestion: A robot that could design dresses according to my specificat­ions. This would include dimensions, the arm sleeve, the length and style of the skirt, the neckline, the type of material, and the fabric designs — I could either choose from a variety or submit my own.

Dresses used to be so much more attractive many years ago; now they’re sleeveless, tight and short. They’re not flattering to most of the population. — Marion Hohn, Margaretvi­lle, New York

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