Texarkana Gazette

Docuseries episode on local artists available for purchase


TEXARKANA, Texas — A streaming television show that features local artists has been posted on Amazon Prime Video.

Shot entirely in Texas, season three of the Legit Production­s documentar­y series “The Story of Art in America” is now available for online purchase. The season’s third episode focuses on four artists in Texarkana: Charlotte Hueter, Cindy Holmes, Jerome Legrand and Chris Thomas.

Amazon describes the show as “a docuseries exploring the role of art in American society and its diverse communitie­s, from large cities to small rural communitie­s.”

The price for a single streaming episode is 99 cents for standard definition or $1.99 for high definition.

Three of the local artists profiled in the show said they were happy with the final product.

“They spent three or four hours at my studio and cut it down to three or four minutes. I was amazed at how wonderfull­y they edited my thoughts on art and turned out a great piece to showcase me and my work. I’m always grateful for the chance to show what I paint to a larger audience,” Holmes said.

Hueter spoke about her deep Texarkana roots.

“My ancestors have been involved in the arts in Texarkana since the early 1900s. My grandmothe­r played the piano for the silent films at the then Saenger Theater. My mother played the piano and performed with my aunts and uncles all over the surroundin­g area. Being included in this production is an honor because I’m representi­ng my family’s heritage.

“God has richly blessed me with His gifts, and it is a privilege to use them to create and inspire others to share their own talents,” she said.

Thomas praised the show’s underlying message.

“This series does a wonderful job of exploring the natural desire to create. It shows how regardless of one’s socioecono­mic or ethnic background, gender or age, the urge to bring something into existence seems to be universal.

“I am honored and humbled to have participat­ed in Texarkana’s episode. It was a wonderful way to showcase our creative community,” she said.

Legrand was not available for comment Friday.

 ?? (Screen capture by Karl Richter) ?? Texarkana, Texas, artist Chris Thomas appears in this website listing for Season 3, Episode 3 of the Amazon Prime Video documentar­y series “The Story of Art in America.” The episode focuses on four Texarkana artists: Jerome Legrand, Thomas, Charlotte Hueter and Cindy Holmes.
(Screen capture by Karl Richter) Texarkana, Texas, artist Chris Thomas appears in this website listing for Season 3, Episode 3 of the Amazon Prime Video documentar­y series “The Story of Art in America.” The episode focuses on four Texarkana artists: Jerome Legrand, Thomas, Charlotte Hueter and Cindy Holmes.

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