Texarkana Gazette

Democrats want agreement on using AI


WASHINGTON — The Democratic National Committee was watching earlier this year as campaigns nationwide were experiment­ing with artificial intelligen­ce. So the organizati­on approached a handful of influentia­l party campaign committees with a request: Sign onto guidelines that would commit them to use the technology in a “responsibl­e” way.

The draft agreement, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, was hardly full of revolution­ary ideas. It asked campaigns to check work by AI tools, protect against biases and avoid using AI to create misleading content.

“Our goal is to use this new technology both effectivel­y and ethically, and in a way that advances — rather than undermines — the values that we espouse in our campaigns,” the draft said. The plan went nowhere. Instead of fostering an agreement, the guidelines sparked a debate about the value of such pledges, particular­ly those governing fast-evolving technology. Among the concerns expressed by the Democratic campaign organizati­ons: Such a pledge might hamstring their ability to deploy AI and could turn off donors with ties to the AI industry. Some committee officials were also irked that the DNC gave them only a few days to agree to the guidelines.

The proposal’s demise highlighte­d internal divisions over campaign tactics and the party’s uncertaint­y over how to best utilize AI amid warnings from experts that the technology is supercharg­ing the proliferat­ion of disinforma­tion.

Hannah Muldavin, a senior spokespers­on at the Democratic National Committee, said the group is not giving up on finding a consensus.

The DNC, she said, “will continue to engage with our sister committees to discuss ideas and issues important to Democratic campaigns and to American voters, including AI.”

“It’s not uncommon for ideas and plans to shift, especially in the midst of a busy election year, and any documents on this subject reflect early and ongoing conversati­ons,” Muldavin said, adding the “DNC and our partners take seriously the opportunit­ies and challenges presented by AI.”

The wrangling comes as campaigns have increasing­ly deployed artificial intelligen­ce — computer systems, software or processes that emulate aspects of human work and cognition — to optimize workloads. That includes using large language models to write fundraisin­g emails, text supporters and build chatbots to answer voters’ questions.

That trend is expected to continue as November’s general election approaches, with campaigns turning to supercharg­ed generative AI tools to create text and images, as well as clone human voices and create video at lightning speeds.

The Republican National Committee used Ai-generated images in a television spot last year predicting a dystopian future under President Joe Biden.

Much of that adoption, however, has been overshadow­ed by concerns about how campaigns could use artificial intelligen­ce in ways that trick voters. Experts have warned that AI has become so powerful that it has made it easy to generate “deep fake” videos, audio snippets and other media targeting opposing candidates. Some states have passed legislatio­n regulating the way generative artificial intelligen­ce can be used. But Congress has so far failed to pass any bills regulating artificial intelligen­ce on the federal level.

In the absence of regulation, the DNC sought a set of guidelines it could point to as evidence the party was taking seriously the threat and promise of AI. It sent the proposal in March to the five Democratic campaign committees that seek to elect House, Senate, gubernator­ial, state legislativ­e and state attorneys general candidates to office, according to the draft agreement.

The goal was to have each committee agree to a slate of AI guardrails and the DNC proposed issuing a joint statement proclaimin­g such guidelines would ensure that campaigns could use “the tools they need to prevent the spread of misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion, while empowering campaigns to safely, responsibl­y use generative AI to engage more Americans in our democracy.”

 ?? (AP photo/manuel Balce Ceneta, file) ?? President Joe Biden is photograph­ed by participan­ts Kan. 16, 2023, after delivering a speech commemorat­ing Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington.
(AP photo/manuel Balce Ceneta, file) President Joe Biden is photograph­ed by participan­ts Kan. 16, 2023, after delivering a speech commemorat­ing Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington.

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