Texarkana Gazette

Man charged in shooting at local nightclub


TEXARKANA, Ark. — A man has been charged with battery after allegedly shooting another man in the foot Friday night at a local nightclub.

Texarkana Arkansas Police Department officers were dispatched to Whiskey River Country, 310 E. 49th St., about 11 p.m. Friday in response to a shooting.

“Witnesses at the bar informed the officers that the suspect, later identified as Sean Barrett, had attempted to enter the establishm­ent but was denied entry by the security staff,” according to a police report.

Details on why Barrett was not admitted were not immediatel­y available Sunday.

Security personnel escorted Barrett to the parking lot, where he entered his pickup truck. According to police, Barrett

then drove toward the entrance of the bar, where security personnel and a club patron had gathered.

“Witnesses reported that Barrett fired a single shot from his vehicle, which struck the victim (the patron) in the foot. After the shooting, Barrett quickly fled the scene at a high speed,” the police report states.

The injured man was taken to a local hospital for treatment. His injury is not considered to be life-threatenin­g.

After an initial investigat­ion, detectives with TAPD’S Criminal Investigat­ion Division were able to obtain an arrest warrant for Barrett.

On Saturday morning, Barrett surrendere­d to police. He was booked into Miller County Detention Center on charges of first-degree battery and unlawful discharge of a firearm from a vehicle.

The shooting brought a stern Facebook post from Whiskey River manager Stephen Lynn. In a nearly six-minute video, Lynn denounced the shooting and gave a message to customers who unnecessar­ily interfere with security matters.

“We got seven guys on payroll, including myself, to handle situations. When you step in and try to help, you’re putting an unnecessar­y target on yourself,” Lynn said.

Going forward, any customer who steps outside the club and intervenes in a security matter will not be readmitted.

“I don’t want this to come across as victim shaming. It’s just we can’t have people that aren’t on payroll and are trying to handle these situations get involved, because it becomes aggressive entirely too quickly,” Lynn said.

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