Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Trump cares only about his vulgar self-interest


Donald Trump’s incomprehe­nsible word-salad speech before the New Hampshire primary exemplifie­d his dangerousl­y deranged mental state. He confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi — wrongly insisting that his opponent had the power to summon troops to the Capitol on Jan. 6 to stop what he had wrought.

He talks nonsensica­lly, avoiding specific promises he has no intentions of keeping, like his “beautiful” plan to replace Obamacare or build the wall and have Mexico pay for it. Instead, he uses emotionall­y charged, fascist vocabulary and refers to murderers, vermin, the deep state, liars and thieves, to incite the worst instincts in his base. He pursues retributio­n rather than reconcilia­tion. He is incapable of achieving anything beyond his vulgar self-interests. He’s a one-trick pony with a one-track mind.

He’s beholden only to his own interests, and by extension to the uber-wealthy and large corporatio­ns to whom he gave permanent tax breaks. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis now bemoan it because it increased the federal deficit by $10 trillion. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden decried and fought against greedy corporate price-gouging and unfair labor practices.

Every day, Biden prioritize­s the American working class by supporting union membership, health care as a right, affordable prescripti­on prices, Medicare and Social Security.

Where Biden seeks possibilit­y, Trump seeks division. Biden pushed for increased funding to the IRS, not to go after the middle class as Republican­s hypocritic­ally and falsely countered, but to hire highly trained profession­als to find millionair­e and billionair­e tax cheats to keep these programs solvent. Only a huckster and scam artist like Trump could persuade people to vote against their own interests.

Didn’t Trump University teach them anything ?

Steve Talercio, Hallandale Beach

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