Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Legislatur­e should change real estate law that unfairly targets Chinese citizens

- Allison Frison

Zhiming Xu is a Chinese citizen who fled political persecutio­n in China to seek safety in the United States. He entered the U.S. on a tourist visa and immediatel­y applied for political asylum.

Since leaving China, Xu has settled down in the U.S. and planted roots, living right here in Florida for the past four years. Xu is not affiliated with the Chinese government. He is not a member of the Chinese Communist Party. He has a bachelor’s degree and a job managing rental properties in Florida. He is also a homeowner and recently signed a contract to buy a second home near Orlando. All in all, Xu is a prime example of the many immigrant success stories in Florida.

Now, Xu is being blocked by the state of Florida from purchasing his home due to his Chinese origin. Not only will he be unable to buy this home, but he also stands to lose the $31,250 deposit he put down on the home if the real estate contract is canceled under SB 264, Florida’s alien land law.

The law will also require Xu to register the property he already owns with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunit­y due to his status as a Chinese national who is not yet a permanent U.S. resident.

Signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2023, SB 264 shuts Chinese citizens out of the real estate market by preventing them from buying property in Florida. This law comes at a time at which anti-Chinese rhetoric is at an all-time high, even from DeSantis, who has made being “tough on China” a central theme of his presidenti­al campaign.

At a debate in November, DeSantis boasted, “I banned China from buying land in the state of Florida.” This attempt to boost his falling poll numbers comes at a major cost to Chinese people living in Florida.

As argued by Xu and three other Chinese citizens in a lawsuit filed against the state of Florida, SB 264 “stigmatize­s them and their communitie­s, and casts a cloud of suspicion over anyone of Chinese descent who seeks to buy property in Florida.”

Specifical­ly, SB 264 prohibits “foreign principals” from “countries of concern” from acquiring interest in agricultur­al land or land within 10 miles “of any military installati­on or critical infrastruc­ture in the state.” It specifical­ly prevents Chinese foreign principals from purchasing real estate in Florida, with limited exceptions. Foreign principals are defined as people from countries of concern who are not yet citizens or permanent U.S. residents. Countries of concern include Iran, Cuba and Venezuela.

At its core, SB 264 shuts a certain group of people out of the real estate market because of their national origin. The law claims to protect Floridians against national security threats posed by China, but it does so by attacking individual­s like Xu who pose no threat at all. Even the narrow exception to the law casts a broad net by only allowing certain “foreign principals” to buy a single residentia­l property. This property must be under 2 acres and not within 5 miles of any military installati­on in Florida. However, there are more than 20 military bases in Florida, many of them very close to heavily populated cities like Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonvil­le. Because of this, even those who fall within this narrow exception will almost certainly have difficulty buying property in Florida.

Additional­ly, SB 264 unfairly creates suspicion and disdain surroundin­g Chinese people living in Florida. It forces Chinese nationals to register their properties with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunit­y. This procedural hurdle is burdensome and unnecessar­y. It is stigmatizi­ng to force those of a specific national origin to register their properties with the government. In addition to registrati­on requiremen­ts, SB 264 also imposes criminal penalties on those who sell property in violation of the law. The unavoidabl­e consequenc­e of this is that some people will discrimina­te against all Chinese buyers in fear of criminal penalties.

Unfortunat­ely, these restrictio­ns are not confined to Florida. However, given that the spotlight is on Florida for this issue, I encourage Floridians to capitalize upon this opportunit­y. Contact your lawmakers. With the 2024 legislativ­e session now underway, legislator­s are looking at repealing many laws that had passed under previous Republican majorities, such as former Gov. Jeb Bush’s education reforms. They should also revisit more recent issues and consider significan­t changes to this law that hurts residents based solely on their nationalit­y.

At its core, SB 264 shuts a certain group of people out of the real estate market because of their national origin.

Allison Frison, of Davie, is a second-year law student at Duke University School of Law. She received her undergradu­ate degree in English and political science, with a concentrat­ion in internatio­nal relations, from Williams College.

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